Profile photo for Ashley Grither
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active 4 hours ago

Ashley Grither

Hi! I'm Ashley and I'm here to help connect you with our amazing team of trip specialists.

I love travel because it introduces you to so many new things. Through traveling I've gotten to try delicious foods, see breathtaking natural landscapes, discover new genres of music, and meet some amazing people.

How did you get involved in travel?

"Growing up I had a cousin that traveled and worked all over the world and encouraged me to do the same. She invited me to join her on a trip for the first time when I was 16 to Colorado, then again to Banff, CA when I was 18. I fell in love with seeing new places and since then have traveled all over the U.S, Europe, and Australia. "

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"During my time in Australia I spent two months traveling up the East Coast from Melbourne to Cairns with a friend. We were living out of her car and sleeping in a tent every night so I felt very connected to nature, as the sun basically decided our schedule. We saw so many incredible beaches, waterfalls, and Australian animals (we even saw a platypus!) and ate way too many meat pies during our trip. "