Profile photo for Burcu Kisakurek
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Burcu Kisakurek

I have been a willing ambassador for my country for many years. I have started my professional life as a travel agent working in a youth hostel in 2000 and since then I have met many people, booked lots of tours, wrote lots of itineraries and did a great amount of traveling myself. I have a university degree on tourism management and now doing a masters degree on LGBTQ+ tourism. I have been running Unison Turkey since 2011. My biggest ambition is to explore new countries and cultures and I am very happy that I am able to make other people enjoy a great Turkey experience and hopefully create a difference for them with a touch of love and enthusiasm.

How did you get involved in travel?

"How I stumbled upon a career in tourism is sheer luck, probably the subject of another story, but what relates to this particular story is that I am probably one of the luckiest top percentage in the world, who landed on a dream job.

I was 17 when I started to work in a youth hostel as a travel agent. I must tell you it was a heaven for a young, adventurous person. I have met so many beautiful people from all around the world, from many cultures at such young age (and I wasn’t traveling to them, they were traveling to me). At the very same young ages, it occurred to me that I was doing something very special. Why were my clients crying? (Crying?!) Buying me presents? Writing letters even well after we parted? I could see the light in their eyes. It did take me until my own travels to fully comprehend how life changing and mind blowing traveling was! It is a transformative experience. You are never the same person again after each trip.

Characteristically, I am not a “problem solving” type of person (hence i'm not a doctor or lawyer). We, the ones in travel business, are rather in the “pleasure creating” part. It amazes me to know that I take part in creating an unforgettable experience that will change one forever! We definitely make the world a better place for many.

Unison Turkey is the child of a Big Bang - an eruption of depression, boredom and self pity. Yes, I have to admit, during the first 10 years of my tourism career, I also did step into the dark side of tourism. This side is called “mass tourism”. Of course, I cannot judge something that is preferred by “masses”, but I think I once lost my soul somewhere inside the dark mazes of mass tourism. I was drowning, I had to do something. They say every crisis holds an opportunity inside. So, I guess I needed such a push to get the guts for starting a new business.

The first glimpse of ideas appeared when I met 10 Japanese girls who came to Istanbul to learn belly dancing and were so upset because they could not find any teachers. Then I met musicians who were traveling to Turkey and facing a similar disappointment. Turkish Culture is so amazing, so rich, so popular and so neglected by Turks (unfortunately)! So, I saw the demand, it was time for supply. I was going to create amazing Turkish experiences. Months of research, interviews, preparations took place. And I also landed on the best business partner.

We recently celebrated our 13th birthday. 13 years of doing what we love doing. 13 years of amazing clients. 13 years of amazing creations. 13 years of tears, blood, sweat and catfights. 13 years of nearly failing and rising again. 13 years of celebration of amazing achievements.

Unison Turkey has become much more than just a small travel agency in years. Now, we work with a great team of people. We touch so many beautiful people still; we have created many more niche products such as belly dance, culinary, garden tours and more; we are ground handling partners of many reputable tour operators throughout the world, we built our MICE brand and are also serving to corporate companies to create their dream events.

I am so happy and thankful that I have been able to live a meaningful life and I have been able to contribute to the world through my profession. And thanks for reading all the way here. Would you like to check out our tours hand curated tours? :)


Burcu is part of the following groups: Turkey Travel Agents
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