Profile photo for Daniela Sunde-Brown
active 1 day ago

Daniela Sunde-Brown

I’m an Australian travel writer and food journalist who is lucky enough to call Lisbon, Portugal, home. I basically travel with a fork in one hand and am always seeking out where the locals go to eat, explore or relax. I love nothing more than to get under the skin of a destination to discover the rich local culture and food.

How did you get involved in travel?

"I'm curious about the world and don't like to leave any stone unturned, so I like to get to know destinations like the back of my hand. My first job in travel was social media and digital marketing for the city of Brisbane, and I've not looked back since."

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"When I was 14 my parents pulled my brother and I out for school for 6 months to travel Europe. I learnt far more wandering medieval castles, exploring world-famous art galleries and seeing how other people and cultures live than I would have in a textbook. We hiked Swiss mountains, splashed about the Adriatic Sea and went hunting for Nessie."

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