How to Get from Addo to Jeffreys Bay

The 83 miles (134 km) between Addo and Jeffreys Bay takes about two hours by car. Traveling by private transfer for the duration of the trip is your best option—particularly because of the gravel roads at Addo. Those who opt to travel by car have three route options which all take a similar amount of time.
Travelers can also use a combination of private transfer and bus—although this is more time consuming and isn’t recommended. Those who opt for this method will need to hire a driver from Addo to Port Elizabeth and a bus for the rest of the way.
Those traveling by car might be interested in this 12-day Garden Route itinerary which includes exploring Cape Town, Addo, Jeffreys Bay, Route 62, and much more.
By Private Transfer or Rental Car
Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours, more with stops
While travelers can self-drive, car rental is not available at Addo and will need to have been arranged prior to arriving. Travelers should be aware of the gravel roads when leaving Addo—making a private transfer your best option.
While traveling along the R335 and N2 is the quickest—the other two route options only take a few minutes longer. Those who opt for this route may be interested in visiting Tregathlyn Game Farm on the way. An alternative route option goes via Colchester and connects onto the N2. This route is only one minute longer.
For both route options, Port Elizabeth is a recommended place to visit or stop for lunch. Nanaga Farm Stall, which boasts an array of both preserved and fresh food, is a 30-minute detour. Blue Horizon Bay is also only a 20-minute detour and offers scenic beaches and hiking trails. The final route option goes through Uitenhage and eventually onto the N2—avoiding Port Elizabeth.
After arriving in Jeffreys Bay, travelers can explore the surfer’s town by foot, private transfer or rental car.
By Private Transfer and Bus
Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours
This option is the least recommended. Since there are no direct bus trips between Addo and Jeffreys Bay, travelers will need to get a private transfer from Addo to Port Elizabeth. Those who opt for this option are recommended to use Baz Bus, a “hop-on, hop-off” bus, instead of regular bus lines for the rest of the way.