How to Get from Athens to Syros

The distance between Athens and Syros is 110 miles (177 km). The most convenient way to travel to Syros is by ferry. During the high season (mid-June through mid-September), there are a number of high-speed and slow ferries that go directly to Syros. The fast ferry takes two hours from Piraeus, the main port of Athens, while the slower ferry takes 3.5 hours.
If you're interested in seeing other islands along the way, you can take a ferry with stops on other islands from the smaller port of Rafina, just 25 minutes from the airport in Athens.
The fastest of these journeys takes 4.5 hours, while the slowest takes about eight hours. Note that ferry schedules become much more limited during the low season (mid-September through mid-June), so be sure to check that the ferry is running if traveling at this time.
For a quicker way to get to Syros, you can fly directly from Athens. Flights to Syros take 35 minutes from the Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport. There is one direct flight per day, and these flights run throughout the year.
If you're looking for a unique way of exploring the Greek islands, consider this nine-day sailing tour of islands such as Syros, Serifos, and Milos.
By Fast Ferry
Duration: 2-4 hours 20 minutes
The most convenient way to get to Syros is to take a direct high-speed ferry from Piraeus, the port of Athens, which is a 30-minute drive or 45-minute metro ride from the center of Athens.
Seajets is one of the companies that operate high-speed hydrofoils, which can be popular over the summer, so make sure to book in advance to snag a seat. Economy and business class tickets are available, and ticket prices will increase if you bring a car or motorbike on board.
If you're looking to experience other islands while traveling to Syros, you can take an "indirect ferry" from Rafina, the smaller port of Athens, which is conveniently located just 30 minutes from the airport.
These ferries stop at other Cycladic islands, such as Mykonos, Naxos, and Tinos, where you can spend a few hours before taking the connecting ferry to Syros. The quickest journey with stops to Syros takes four hours and 20 minutes.
If you're prone to seasickness, keep in mind that these high-speed ferries can get quite bumpy if it's windy outside, so you might want to consider a slower ferry as an alternative option.
By Slow Ferry
Duration: 3.5-8 hours
The slow ferry offers the cheapest way to get to Syros and is a great option if you want to take in the sights of the Aegean. There are a number of direct ferries available from Piraeus to Syros, especially during the high summer season. These ships are larger than the high-speed ones and offer more outdoor deck space to walk around and experience the amazing views of the Greek islands.
Alternatively, you can take an indirect slow ferry from Rafina to Syros. These routes offer the option of switching to a connecting ferry at Mykonos, Paros, or Naxos if you want a few hours to explore another island or grab a delicious lunch in the port.
Tickets on the slow ferries range from economy seats to private cabins. If booking an economy ticket, you might want to book a "numbered seat," as the deck/lounge option does not include guaranteed seating.
By Plane
Duration: 35 minutes
The quickest way to get to Syros is to fly from Athens. Flights are only 35 minutes and run throughout the year, so this is a great option if you're traveling in the low season and find that the ferry schedule is too limited.
Sky Express operates flights to Syros and offers one flight a day from Athens. For such short flights, only economy tickets are available, and note that prices may increase during the summer season, so be sure to book in advance if traveling at that time.