How to Get from Flåm to Eidfjord

Traveling from the village of Flåm to Eidfjord is a distance of 72 miles (116 km). The easiest and most direct way to reach Eidfjord is by car or private transfer. The trip takes a little less than two hours and passes by several lakes and a few tourist attractions. You’ll want to consider making a few stops during this drive so make sure you allow time so you’re not in a rush.
Public transport is a possibility, though isn’t recommended as the trip takes around 4 hours with bus transfers.
Kayaking through a fjord, hiking and going on city walking tours- this tour is designed for you if you like a mix of city and nature on your vacation.
By Car or Private Transfer
Duration: 2 hours
The fastest and shortest route is via the E16 and RV13 highway with a travel time of around 2 hours. Shortly after getting on the road, you’ll want to stop in Gudvangen, a UNESCO world heritage site with views of the Nærøyfjord. If you’re curious about Viking history, you can visit the Viking Experience, a recreation of a Viking village with historical reenactments.
You’ll pass by several lakes, including the Oppheimsvatnet and Lønavatnet. They are nice spots to stop to enjoy the view and take photos. Make sure you have your camera charged and ready to shoot the impressive scenery.
The town of Voss is another place worth stopping in to stretch your legs and wander in this small town. There are also a few touristy sites, including the Folklore museum and the Voss Gondola. The Voss Gondola offers aerial view of the terrain and is worth it on a sunny, clear day. We also recommend allowing time for a short detour to the Skjervsfossen Waterfall, which has a 150-meter drop with two falls in succession. There is a parking lot and hiking trails, if you want to get out in nature.
You’ll pass by Granvinsvatnet, a beautiful lake, shortly before you arrive in Eidfjord. There is also an alternative route if you want to avoid toll roads. However, this route takes 3 and a half hours and goes around the Hallingskarvet Nasjonal Park, though you won’t have views of this National Park.
By Bus
Duration: 3-4 hours
Taking the bus is not the most convenient option because it takes around four hours. You can take a bus from Flam bus station to the town of Voss before continuing on to Eidfjord.
Nettbuss AS is the bus operator, usually offering bus journeys four times a day depending on the season. You’ll want to make sure you check the timetables to ensure a smooth journey.