How to Get from Lisbon to Aveiro
Going from Lisbon to Aveiro, a distance of (254 km) is easy by car or by train. Both transport options take around the same amount of time, 2.5 hours. If you prefer to relax and let someone else take care of the driving while you enjoy the scenery, the train is a better choice.
You'll want to go by car if you prefer to go at your own pace, visiting towns and sightseeing.
Consider this 14-day Ultimate Portugal tour where you'll have a half-day tour in Lisbon and see the important cities of Portugal.
By Car
Duration: 2.5 hour
Road tripping is always a fun way to explore and there are a few routes you can take with only a little difference in travel time. The fastest way is straightforward and is the most inland, taking 2.5 hours on the A1 the entire way. Fátima, a pilgrimage town with Catholic symbolism is worth a stop. You can take a tour of The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, which has become a tourist attraction and is of religious importance.
An alternative drive is taking the A8 and the A17, and is only 10 minutes longer. On this route, you'll pass by a couple of important smaller Portuguese cities. If you prefer a leisurely drive there are a few towns worth a pitstop or a place to have a meal.
An hour after beginning the journey, you may want to stop in the town of Caldas da Rahna, a place known for glazed ceramic pottery and embroidery. Further on your journey, you'll pass alongside Figuroa da Foz a coastal city where you'll find beaches, plenty of restaurants along the promenade, and a casino if you want to try your luck. You'll notice a salty, coastal breeze as this highway isn't too far from the ocean.
All routes have tolls.
By Train
Duration: 2.5 hours
Train travel from Lisbon to Aveiro is a comfortable ride. The fast train takes 2.5 hours. As you go north, you'll see farms, small towns, forests, and shrub vegetation.
Trains depart from many Lisbon train stations offering services in the morning until night. There is a train almost every hour depending on the train station you're departing from. When booking a ticket, pay attention to what type of train it is- regional, urban, intercity or the AP, the fast train- as the quickest train takes around 2.5 hours and the slowest can take around 4 hours. Buy your ticket at the train station or buy online direct from the train company.
Keep in mind when planning, train schedules may be reduced on weekends.