How to Get from Lisbon to Ericeira

Traveling from Portugal’s capital Lisbon to the popular beach town of Ericeira, is a short distance of 30 miles (48km). Going by car is the quickest and most convenient option, with a driving time of 40 minutes. If you’re not in a rush, there are options that avoid toll roads, though your journey time will take over an hour.
You can also travel by public transport with comfortable buses going direct to this beach town.
You may want to consider this 7 Day Trip to Portugal with visits to the Douro Valley, a culinary excursion in Porto and an opportunity to get to know Lisbon with a local.
By Rental Car or Private Transfer
Duration: 40 minutes
Driving is straightforward and easy, making it a convenient option. The quickest route takes 40 minutes on the A8 and A21 highway. Like most main highways in Portugal, this is a toll road.
An alternative route will add around 20 minutes to your trip with a bonus of not having to pay for tolls. The distance in miles is around the same as the toll road. You’ll take the A37, also known as the N117, direct before changing to the A16 before merging onto the N9. This route offers views of homes, farmland and shrub vegetation.
You can also take the N9 direct to Ericeira, with a travel time of an hour and 10 minutes and 5 miles longer, at 35 miles (56 km).
By Bus
Duration: 1 hour and 10 minutes
Buses are operated by the bus company, Mafrense. Buses depart from the Campo Grande bus station, which is next to the metro station of the same name. Metro lines, yellow and green, make it easy and convenient to catch this bus.
Buses depart regularly, one every hour or so, from morning until night. The journey takes an hour and 10 minutes on the express bus and can take upwards of an hour and a half, depending on how many stops and which departure time you choose. All buses route through the town of Mafra.
Check the bus schedule for travel times and durations. On Sundays and holidays, the timetable is reduced so plan accordingly. You can buy your ticket direct from the driver.