How to Get from Oslo to Røros

There are a few different ways to travel from Oslo to Røros, a distance of 238 miles (382km). The quickest route is by plane with a flight under an hour. However, if you have time and prefer a scenic route, taking the train or going by car will afford some impressive views.
This Ultimate Winter Adventure in Norway's Arctic- 11 days offers the chance to dogsled in Røros and visit other towns where you can see the Northern Lights on horseback.
By Plane
Duration: 50 minutes
Flying is the fastest and most convenient option. The journey is a non-stop, 50 minute relaxing flight. Traveling by plane is a good choice if you’re short on time or want to spend more time in Røros. Two flights are offered each day, except Saturday. Tickets are reasonably priced and if you’re flexible on dates or plan in advance, you can find special offers.
By Train
Duration: 5 hours
Taking the train is one of the most comfortable ways to get from Oslo to Røros. You can relax and enjoy the scenery while the train conductor brings you safely to your destination.The journey takes 5 hours with several train departures offered per day. You will need to change trains as there aren’t any direct routes from Oslo to Røros.
When booking your train travel, be attentive you choose a departure time with a 5-hour trajectory as regional trains are often listed, which will take 9 hours. Have your camera accessible for ample photo opportunities.
By Car
Duration: 5-6 hours
You have a couple options if you choose to drive. The most direct route is taking the E6 highway, which is one of the main national highways that goes from Southern to Northern Norway, extending into Sweden. Leaving Oslo and heading north you’ll start your trip on the E6. Within an hour after departure, on the left side (western side), you’ll pass by Mjøsa, the biggest lake in Norway. Nearby, you’ll pass by the town Morskojen, a well-known battlefield between the Germans and Norwegian army in 1940. Make sure to have your camera ready to capture the beautiful landscape.
The road signs will guide you as the roads change from RV25 to FV 26 and FV 653 before arriving in Røros. This route does have tolls so take this into consideration when you make decisions about your travel plans.
An alternative route is taking the RV4, which adds about an hour to your travel time, approximately 6 hours. If you’re an Olympics fan, you may want to make a slight detour and visit the town of Lillehammer, the site of the 1994 Winter Olympics. Make sure you allow time for a few pit stops; for taking photos as well as enjoying a meal in one of the towns. This route has tolls.
Please keep in mind if you’re renting a car, the tolls will automatically be added to your bill when you return the vehicle. When choosing a route, consider the costs of tolls, gas and your time as you may save money on tolls but spend more elsewhere.