How to Get from Santiago to Ushuaia

The distance between Santiago in Chile and Ushuaia at the southern end of Argentina is 2,075 miles (3,340 km). The easiest and fastest way to travel is to take a flight from Santiago Airport (SCL) and will take you seven hours flying directly or up to ten hours with a transfer in Buenos Aires. Direct flights are somewhat limited, so book well in advance.
You can also take the bus or a combination of bus and train from Santiago's station Terminal Alameda. The most direct bus ride is via Osorno and Punta Arenas, a two-day journey. Another option is to make this a four-day road trip with stops in Valdivia and San Carlos de Bariloche, among others.
By Plane
Duration: 7-10 hours
The flight from Santiago Airport (SCL) to Ushuaia Airport (USH) takes about 6.5 hours direct (about 10 with a transfer in Buenos Aires). From the airport, Ushuaia city is only a ten-minute drive away; book a private transfer or grab a taxi at the airport to take you there.
By Bus or Bus & Train
Duration: 2 days
Taking a bus from Santiago to Ushuaia takes up to two days and there a few routes to choose from. The first option is by bus entirely and you'll start in Santiago at Terminal Alameda central station, and then head to Osorno. From here you'll get on another bus to Punta Arenas where you'll make the last transfer to Ushuaia. To make this trip more interesting, spend the night in Osorno and rent a car, or take a tour, to the Osorno Volcano.
The other way to travel is to take a train to Chillán, then get on a bus to Osorno, transfer to a bus to Punta Arenas and finally to Ushuaia. The only difference between this and the other route is that you'll be traveling to Chillán first which is especially a great choice if you're traveling during the winter period in Chile (March-October). This place is one of the most famous ski resorts in the country and you can spend a couple of nights here to ski and enjoy the hot springs. If you'll be traveling in summer instead then it makes for a great hiking place.
By Car
Duration: 4 days
To get from Santiago to Ushuaia by car, you can expect approximately 35 hours of driving—which means up to four days on the road with stops and overnight stays. The easiest way to do this is to split the journey up in several sections based on points of interest.
You'll begin your drive in Santiago and head to Valdivia which will take around eight hours. Spend the night here and explore the city and continue towards San Carlos de Bariloche where you can stop to rest after three hours of driving. Then head towards El Bolsón and spend the night here. Continue to Caleta Olivia for another 8-9 hours and stay overnight until you get back on the road towards Rio Gallegos and finally reaching Ushuaia. This is a fun and exciting route with lots to see along the way.