How to Get from Sydney to Brisbane

Sydney and Brisbane are the two largest cities on Australia's east coast, and while they're quite close together by Australian standards, there are still 580 miles (940 km) between them. Here's how to get from Sydney to Brisbane.
By Air
Duration: 1.5 hours
Multiple flights run every day between Sydney and Brisbane, and flying is the quickest and easiest mode of transport. Travelers short on time or who fly into Sydney and plan to travel around Queensland will find that flying is the most convenient option. It's also often the cheapest option too, depending on how far in advance you book.
By Rental Car or Private Transfer
Duration: 10 hours
It takes about 10 hours to drive between Sydney and Brisbane, although spreading the trip over several days is a good idea. The quickest route follows the coast much of the way, although inland routes are also an option. Travelers can stop at places like the Central Coast, Newcastle, Byron Bay, and the Gold Coast en route from Sydney to Brisbane.
By Bus
Duration: 17 hours
Direct buses run between Sydney and Brisbane. This is much longer than driving directly, but as overnight services are available, this could be a good option for travelers who don't want to fly or drive themselves, and it saves a night's accommodation costs.
Long-distance buses are reasonably comfortable, with scheduled meal and bathroom stops, and some have basic toilets on board, although sleeping on an upright seat on a bus is never going to be very comfortable.
By Train
Duration: 14 hours
One train per day leaves Sydney in the late afternoon, arriving early the next morning in Brisbane. It's slower than driving, but if you are inclined to take an overnight trip, the train might be more comfortable than taking an overnight bus.