How to Get from Trondheim to Røros

When traveling from Trondheim to Røros, a distance of 96 miles (154 km), you have a few different options. Going by car or train is around 2.5 hours and the bus is a little over 3 hours. The scenery is impressive passing through farmland, rivers, and lakes. Air travel is not the best choice, as there are no direct flights.
Consider this 12-day road trip summer road trip with a stopover in Trondheim.
By Car
Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes
There are two main routes to travel from Trondheim to Røros by car. The quickest and shortest route is via the FV30 and E6 National highway taking about 2 hours and 20 minutes without traffic. You’ll pass by rivers, plenty of farmland and small villages.
You can also opt for the FV705 route, which passes by Mosjøen lake and near the end of the journey, Aursunden or Aursund lake, both favored by tourists and locals alike for a stop. This route is mostly on a two-way highway, one lane in each direction, so if you prefer to take your time and drive alongside lakes and rivers you will appreciate this drive. This drive is roughly 3 hours and if you like to take pit stops, the drive will take a bit longer. Both routes have tolls.
By Train
Duration: 3 hours
Traveling by train is the most relaxing means of transport and a fun way to enjoy the landscape. Most days the first train departs early in the morning with the last train departing in the afternoon. Train travel takes about 2 and a half hours, depending on the time of day you choose. There are often 3 trains per day and weekends and public holidays offer a different timetable. Be sure to check your preferred date of departure to ensure availability.
By Bus
Duration: 3 hours
Taking the bus is a comfortable option. The bus makes frequent stops, though it takes around the same time as the train, approximately 3-3.5 hours depending on the time you choose. Buses operate each day with less frequency on Sundays. You'll pass by beautiful farmland, small villages, and lakes. Keep in mind that unlike the train, bus journeys can take longer due to traffic or weather conditions.
By Plane
Duration: 4-5 hours
Air travel is not the ideal option due to the fact there aren’t any direct flights. Flying is slower as all flights route through Oslo. Travel time can take around 3-4 hours between two flights and a layover in Oslo. Keep in mind, weather conditions can cause delays or with severe weather; canceled flights.