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Alex Herrera

To make a long story short, I truly believe that: "A trip to Costa Rica is a gift you give to yourself at the same time that you are helping to preserve nature and social peace" -Alex Herrera, March 2003.

Here is my short video on me:

What places and activities do you specialize in?

"Advising and Customizing all of Costa Rica´s unique world-class accommodations, services, and destinations to your taste. Yet, if it cannot be done and done well for you we do not do it."

How did you get involved in travel?

"My brother Francisco and I were high school foreign exchange students in the State of Oregon in the mid-eighties. Upon our return to Costa Rica, we started serving visitors from all over the world with life-enhancing and mutually rewarding experiences for the visited and for the visitors. We are very dedicated 24/7 as you can see on our reviews and we truly stay up to date with what only is possible in Costa Rica at any given time. We also enjoy very strong connections with hundreds of key suppliers and communities' members which have naturally developed for over 30 years. They really help us to orchestrate our Unique Tachiz Handcrafted Costa Rica Itineraries."

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"Floating down the Dos Montañas Section on the Pacuare River along with Mr. Victor Monk from the Sierra Club in 1988 and enjoying the warm tropical waters as we ventured down the river passed primary tropical rain forest. Victor was over 80 at the time and he told me he did not know how to swim but he trusted the life vest. What a wonderful time and adventure. That night we had a Sierra Club meeting on the river bank and they asked me to give my view on Eco-Tourism. I did and then we rafted out the next day. I was 21 years old and I had just returned from running the Grand Canyon. The section Victor and I floated on our life vests was under threat for they wanted to build an electrical dam but we, the Costa Ricans, opposed it and The Pacuare River was then and still is one of the most beautiful rivers in the tropics. The creatures that inhabit the Pacuare River and its forest still have a home and hopefully, many people will continue to visit, experience, appreciate and enjoy this wonderful realm and many other unique ones here in Costa Rica."

Alex is part of the following groups: Costa Rica Travel Agents
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