Benedetta Polacchini
I have been a travel consultant since my arrival here in Rome, 15 years ago. I used to work with a high target audience for the incoming tourism but I feel very closed to every traveller because before being a consultant I am an enthusiastic solo traveler since I was 19, and the most attractive part of the the trip is the planning process itself! It helps getting excited about the destination and start dreaming of it.
What places and activities do you specialize in?
"Tailor made travels in Italy settled for the different types of travelers and interests. My goal is to make the traveller live an unique experience which they will remember for a long time."
How did you get involved in travel?
"I was born in Bologna and travelled all my childhood with the family around Europe, the 5 of us and lot of bags in a small car with no a/c! I think my nomadic spirit could be born there, in those endless roadtrips with my brothers and parents. Than I started travelling by myself planning trips on my own and getting more and more excited along the way. I arrived in Rome after a long period in the Caribbean side of Costa Rica working in tourism, and it was quite natural to continue and improve my experience in the field. As I became a mother I begin travelling with my little baby who was literally born with a backpack on her back! "
Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.
"My first solo trip in Australia when I was 19. Such a huge country for such a little girl like me! And each and every trip with my daughter who travels around the world with me since she was 2y (If we have to choose, Sri Lanka was our favourite by the way)"