Brittany Pettit
Hello! My name is Brittany, I am a mother of 2. I am 29 years old. My adopted step-daughter is 17 years old and my youngest daughter is 9 years old. I love to read and write. I am working on becoming a published author. I love to travel any where I can. I try to travel to the coast every weekend. My dream is to travel to France and Italy. I would love to visit all the musems and monuments. I would also love to experience their culture and taste the food and wine.
Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.
"I traveled to Florida at 14 years old for a Make- A- Wish trip. I went to Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World. I stayed in a villa were they had pizza and ice cream shops that were completely free of charge and the house we stayed in was a 2 bedroom also free of charge. It was an all expense paid trip. My entire family got to go! I love to ride the rollarcoasters with my sister! Best experience I have ever had. Definately the most memorable time in my life. "