Justine was great to work with
Sep 13 - Sep 25, 2023

Justine was great to work with. After several changes during the initial planning it was finally time for the trip. There were a few minor hiccups that occurred during the trip however we rolled with it and KimKim did not hesitate in reimbursing us for the inconveniences. Even if slightly disappointed during those speed bumps, the trip will truly be unforgettable. Justine and her team were available immediately and even made some final additions to assure our trip was an amazingly memorable experience. I am not a paid sponsor and so the 5 stars I gave are legitimate to my personal experience. I would highly recommend Justine and KimKim. They can cater a memorable experience to whatever your budget may be. T.

Bonjour Thomas,
I am happy you and Jenn had a great experience in France and I thank you for this amazing review.
I wish you all the best for you guys, and we hope to see you again soon on Kimkim !
Kindest regards,