In South America between Brazil and Argentina
Brazil | Aug 7 - Aug 16, 2024

Geoffrey T.
Minneapolis, MN | Reviewed on Aug 19, 2024

Sara was incredibly responsive. She answered every question I had in a timely manner, and when there were logistical problems she worked to quickly solve them. She tailored our trip to our unique interest. We enjoy being in nature and the energy of a vibrant city. We would definitely work with Sara again.

Local specialist: Sara Martinel
Sara Martinel
Local specialist in Rio de Janeiro | Replied on Aug 20, 2024

Dear Geoffrey

I thank you for your words, it fills my heart with joy to know that I have always made you feel welcomed and accompanied on this journey at all times with my assistance!
Thanks again for your preference and we look forward to seeing you in the future!

welcome back home
warm greetings