How to Get from Barcelona to Seville

The distance between Barcelona and Seville is 632 miles (1,017 km). The easiest way to make the trip is by plane, a direct flight that only takes two hours.
If you'd like to go sightseeing from Barcelona to Seville—Castelldefels and Valencia are two options—going by rental car or with a private driver is a great option. The drive takes about ten hours, more with stops. You can also make the commute by train or bus. However, when considering the bus as an option, note the overnight route that may affect your travel plans.
If you are still in the planning stages of your trip, review this 7-day itinerary that includes both Barcelona and Seville, as well as Madrid. Depending on what time of year you plan to travel, take this Spain travel advice into account, too.
By Plane
Duration: 2 hours
A plane is the fastest way to get from Barcelona to Seville. You will find flight options for this two-hour trip multiple times per day, but be sure to book ahead.
By Train
Duration: 5.5 hours
A scenic trip that unfolds partially along the Mediterranean Coast will get you from Barcelona to Seville in 5.5 hours. The Renfe train runs twice daily out of the Barcelona Sants Train Station. The high-speed trains are called “Ave,” and prices are reasonable. You can purchase tickets online (and print them out), via the Renfe app, or at the train station. You may have the option to select a "flexible" fare, which allows you to modify your trip if needed. Make sure to be seated on the train at least 5-10 minutes prior to departure.
By Rental Car or Private Transfer
Duration: 9.5 hours, more with stops
If you prefer to do some sightseeing, driving a car is the ideal mode of transportation to get from Barcelona to Seville. There are numerous rental car companies in Barcelona, and you can also hire a private driver for the day or as part of a longer tour.
About 15 minutes into your drive, there is a perfect opportunity for a stop in Castelldefels, where you can take a dip in the Mediterranean or simply enjoy the view. Right before you begin to head inland, stop in Valencia, which is the perfect spot to grab the region's famous paella. Next, you can stop in Valdepeñas, home to many wineries and wine museums. The windmill-clad Valdepeñas is also the center of La Mancha—of Don Quixote fame.
You are now about 3 hours from Seville—unless you to take a side trip to the Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park along the Bembezar River, which will add approximately 2.5 hours to your trip.
By Overnight Bus
Duration: 15 hours
The bus usually only runs once daily, typically in the early afternoon. Note that the typical, 15-hour route runs partially overnight, so you can get some rest and be ready to explore the town upon your arrival in Seville. This is also something to keep in mind when planning your trip if you do not prefer to ride the bus overnight.