How to Get from Hoi An to Hue

The best way for travelers looking to make the 75-mile (121 km) journey from Hoi An to Hue is to arrange for a private transfer. Although the distance between the two cities is relatively small, numerous points of interest along the way make this journey a good one for private transport.
By Private Transfer
Duration: 2 hours, 45 minutes
One of the first points along the way at which travelers may wish to stop is the UNESCO World Heritage Site of My Son Sanctuary. The hills and mountains leading up to the sanctuary from Hoi An are often misty, cloudy, and cool, draping the verdant scenery dramatically. The ruins of the sanctuary include ancient temples, some of which were bombed by the Americans during the Vietnam War.
Further along is spectacular Marble Mountain. Marble Mountain is made of limestone, and houses numerous caves and religious sites. An excellent view from the top of the mountain looks out over the city of Da Nang.
Da Nang would be a good place to stop for a meal. The influence of the former French colonists is strong in Danang, and this includes its food, with French-Vietnamese fusion restaurants and food stalls abound.
Finally, the Hai Van Pass will take travelers up windy roads in the mountains, looking out over the coastline. Those with a propensity for motion sickness may wish to prepare themselves for this portion of the journey, but the rewards in views - and photographs, should you like your driver to stop along the way - are well worth it.