Although the distance is not very far, making the 41-mile (66 km) journey from Naples to the Amalfi Coast requires multiple modes of transport. Travelers can take a high-speed or regional train from Naples to Salerno and hire a private transfer the rest of the way. Bus and ferry options from Salerno are also available, though these are less efficient and less comfortable.

The easiest but most expensive option is making the whole trip via private transfer. Driving your own rental car is also a possibility, though you'll need to be comfortable with the famously erratic traffic in Naples and the winding, narrow roads of the Amalfi Coast. Those with more time might consider this 15-day Amalfi Coast and Naples itinerary, which includes a stop in Sorrento and a few days in Rome. 

By Train & Private Transfer

Duration: 1 - 2.5 hours

The Amalfi Coast cannot be accessed directly by train, but it is possible to take the train to Salerno and connect onward from there. There are frequent regional trains as well as some high-speed connections between Naples Centrale station and Salerno (30-60 minutes).

After arriving in Salerno, the most convenient way to get to the villages of the Amalfi Coast is by private transfer (30-90 minutes). Although the views along the way are spectacular, note that the road is narrow and winding.

By Car or Private Transfer

Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours

This is the most convenient (and, in the case of private transfer, most expensive) way to travel from Naples to the Amalfi Coast. Driving a rental car or taking a private transfer takes approximately 1-1.5 hours but allows you to move between the two destinations without changing modes of transport.

Note that driving yourself has its challenges. In Naples, driving can be challenging due to traffic and local driving styles. Once you reach the Amalfi Coast, caution is advised due to narrow, winding, and congested roads.

By Train & Bus or Ferry

Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours

This is the most economical but least convenient way to travel between these two destinations. After taking the train to Salerno as outlined above, the villages of the Amalfi Coast can be reached by either bus or ferry (30-90 minutes). The bus picks up directly in front of the train station, while the ferry is a 10-15 minute walk away.

If taking the bus, note that the road is narrow and winding, and traffic can be heavy. Ferries run several times a day to the major Amalfi Coast villages from Salerno, taking anywhere from 30-70 minutes, depending on the destination village.


Map of How to Get from Naples to the Amalfi Coast
Map of How to Get from Naples to the Amalfi Coast
Updated Jun 7, 2023