In nine days, you'll discover three of Uganda's wildlife-heavy national parks paired with rich cultural experiences at each stop. Spend a night in Entebbe, enjoying a delicious welcome dinner, before transferring to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park for a gorilla trek and a chance to meet the Batwa people. Then, it's onto Queen Elizabeth National Park, where you can enjoy a game drive and engage with the local Kataara women. Finish in Kibale National Park with a chimpanzee trek and a traditional Kitooro lunch.


  • Photograph the monument marking the equator while driving to Bwindi
  • Hike to the twin lakes of Mirambi and Katinda in time to see the sunset
  • Learn from the Kasoga community in the fishing village of Hamukungu
  • Stroll through the Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary in search of colorful birds

Brief Itinerary

Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive in Entebbe, Free Time, Welcome Dinner Entebbe
Day 2 Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Day 3 Guided Gorilla Trek, Meet the Batwa People Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Day 4 Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park, Guided Trek Queen Elizabeth National Park
Day 5 Morning Game Drive, Boat Tour Down the Kazinga Channel Queen Elizabeth National Park
Day 6 Partake in the Kasoga Community Experience Queen Elizabeth National Park
Day 7 Transfer to Kibale National Park, Bigodi Wetlands Walk Kibale National Park
Day 8 Guided Chimpanzee Trek, Lunch at Tinka's Homestead Kibale National Park
Day 9 Transfer to Entebbe, Depart  

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive in Entebbe, Free Time, Welcome Dinner

Start your wildlife adventure at the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Welcome to Entebbe, a vibrant Ugandan city nestled on the shores of Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake. Meet your driver outside the airport and transfer to your hotel to check in and freshen up. You have some free time before tonight's welcome dinner, so you can relax at the hotel or explore a bit of the city on your own. A good place to start is the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, a short boat ride away. The sanctuary is home to over 50 orphaned chimpanzees, most of whom were rescued from poaching or illegal wildlife trade. 

Learn about the sanctuary's conservation efforts, the rehabilitation process, and the species' behavior. If you time your visit right, you can witness the chimps' feeding time when caretakers toss fruits, vegetables, and other treats for them to catch. When you're back on the mainland, go for a leisurely stroll along Entebbe Pier, stretching out over the shimmering lake. Try to spot local birds, like kingfishers and herons, gliding across the waters. In the evening, meet your guide for an a la carte dinner and briefing of the trip's itinerary. Be sure to ask any questions before returning to the hotel to rest.

Day 2: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Sit back and enjoy the views during the transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

After breakfast, bid farewell to Entebbe and meet your driver outside the hotel for an 11-hour transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site in southwestern Uganda spans over 123 square miles (320 sq km) and is home to roughly half of the world's remaining population of endangered mountain gorillas. Break up the long drive with a stop in Kayabwe to visit the monument marking the equator. Stand in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the same time, then continue to Mbarara.

This vibrant town, known as the "Land of Milk and Honey," is a hub for cattle farming and dairy production, with rolling hills dotted with herds of Ankole cattle. Sit down for lunch at a local restaurant before completing the drive to the luxurious Four Gorillas Lodge in the Rushaga sector of the national park. Settle into your eco-friendly cottage, surrounded by mist-covered forest and lush green valleys. Then, head to the on-site restaurant for a gourmet dinner prepared with locally sourced ingredients to end the night. 

Day 3: Guided Gorilla Trek, Meet the Batwa People

Observe endangered mountain gorillas on your trek through the national park

Start your day bright and early with a nourishing breakfast in preparation for today's gorilla trek. The trek usually takes between three to six hours, so a reasonable degree of fitness is required, as well as a strong pair of walking boots or shoes. Register at the Uganda Wildlife Authority ranger station by 8:00 am to complete a safety briefing. Then, follow your guide into the dense forest in search of the endangered mountain gorillas. When you find them, leave your belongings behind and approach the gentle giants with just your camera, always maintaining a distance of 22 feet (7 m). 

Spend an hour watching the gorillas feed, play, interact with each other, or just sleep before returning to the ranger station. If time allows, you'll meet a local Batwa tribe. Often referred to as the "Keepers of the Forest," the Batwa are the original inhabitants of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and lived as hunter-gatherers in harmony with nature for thousands of years. Learn about their traditional methods of hunting, foraging, and medicinal plant use, as well as their rich storytelling and music. You may also have the chance to witness demonstrations of their ancient skills, such as crafting tools or making fires. 

Day 4: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park, Guided Trek

Hike to the twin lakes of Mirambi and Katinda in time to watch the sunset

Trade one national park for another this morning as you transfer six hours to Queen Elizabeth National Park, known for its rich ecosystems, ranging from savannas and wetlands to crater lakes and forests. After checking into Twin Lakes Safari Lodge, overlooking Lake Bunyonyi and Lake Mutanda, visit the Kataara women and learn about their poverty alleviation group. Since elephants were always trampling their gardens, the women decided to use the dung these gentle giants left to make and sell paper, jewelry, and more handmade goods, creating a livelihood for themselves.

Plan your trip to Uganda
Chat with a local specialist who can help organize your trip.
You'll have time here to browse their shop and pick up some souvenirs to support the Kataara tribe and their conversation efforts. Then, stretch your legs with a 4.3-mile (7 km) hike to another set of twin lakes: Mirambi and Katinda. Walk through lush forests with a soundtrack of birdsong as you ascend to a higher vantage point. When you reach the top, enjoy panoramic views of the shimmering crater lakes reflecting the beauty of the Rwenzori Mountains. Enjoy a refreshing soft drink or beer while the sun sets around you, then trek down the same path before it gets too dark and return to your lodge for the night. 

Day 5: Morning Game Drive, Boat Tour Down the Kazinga Channel

Sail down the Kazinga Channel in search of wildlife, like hippos, elephants, and crocodiles

Get ready for an early wake-up call so you can set off on a game drive in Queen Elizabeth National Park before it gets too hot for both you and the animals. Traverse the vast savanna and rolling hills in the wildlife-rich Kasenyi sector, keeping your eyes peeled for lions, as they often stalk the abundant Ugandan kob population. You may also see the giant forest hog, Africa's largest pig, as well as the elusive leopard. Be sure to look up, as there are over 600 species of birds throughout the park, including the African fish eagle and shoebill stork.

In the afternoon, discover the park's waterways with a boat cruise down the tranquil Kazinga Channel, which connects Lake George and Lake Edward. The channel is teeming with life, so you may see herds of elephants cooling off by the water's edge, hippos wallowing in the shallows, and crocodiles basking in the sun. Listen to the calls of exotic birds and try to spot them flying over the mountainous backdrop. After a full day exploring the park, return to the lodge to relax by the pool and indulge in local or international dishes at the on-site restaurant. 

Day 6: Partake in the Kasoga Community Experience

Participate in traditional activities, like milking cows, with the Kasoga people

Today, you'll partake in the Kasoga Community Experience in the fishing village of Hamukungu, which borders the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Meet the Kasoga people, known for their vibrant festivals, traditional ceremonies, and communal lifestyle, which emphasizes strong family and community bonds. Learn about their rich culture and watch demonstrations of traditional activities, like making canoes, creating crafts, fishing, and fish preservation.

Then, head to the riverfront to see hippos and enjoy unparalleled views of the surrounding countryside. Next, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the community's daily tasks by milking cows, herding cattle in the bush, turning milk into yogurt, and making ghee (clarified butter). This cultural exchange not only supports local livelihoods but also helps you foster a deeper appreciation for the region's diverse heritage. Thank the Kasoga people for their warm welcome before returning to your lodge. 

Day 7: Transfer to Kibale National Park, Bigodi Wetlands Walk

Look out for colorful birds, like the blue turaco, as you walk through the Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary

Say goodbye to the Queen Elizabeth National Park as you set off on a two-hour transfer to your final destination: Kibale National Park, known for having one of the highest densities of primates in Africa. Check in at the Chimpanzee Forest Lodge on the edge of the national park and get ready for a 2.7-mile (4.5 km) walk through the Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary. As you navigate the well-maintained trails, you'll hear a symphony of bird calls as over 200 species reside here. You may also hear the shriek of primates since the sanctuary is home to eight species, including the red-tailed monkey and olive baboon.

End the walking tour at a local village, where you can learn how to weave baskets, produce a delicious cup of coffee, and meet with the resident herbalist to discover traditional herbs and their purposes. In the afternoon, follow your guide to a market to find ingredients to barbecue at the lodge tonight. Your guide doubles as a chef, and they'll teach you how to prepare the meat and vegetables using traditional herbs and spices. When all your ingredients are ready, take them to a charcoal barbecue and start cooking, then sit down to enjoy your meal with a cold beer.

Day 8: Guided Chimpanzee Trek, Lunch at Tinka's Homestead

Follow the hoots and calls of the resident chimpanzees to their location in the forests of Kibale

Your penultimate day in Uganda takes you on a chimpanzee trek through the forests of Kibale. Meet your guide at the ranger headquarters at 8 am, then follow them through dense foliage and rugged trails to find the primates. You'll have to be quiet so your guide can listen for the unmistakable hoots and calls of the chimpanzees echoing through the trees. When you finally come across a troop, watch as they swing effortlessly from tree to tree and groom each other on the forest floor. You may also see the elusive forest elephant on this trek, recognizable by its short stature and hairy skin.

Keep a look out above the trees as well, as there are over 335 bird species in the park. After spotting the chimpanzees and learning about their habits and familial roles, head to Tinka's Homestead for a traditional Kitooro lunch. The Tinka family will welcome you into their home and teach you about the ingredients and cooking methods they use to create authentic meals. When the food is ready, sit down with the family to eat and learn about more culinary traditions. Thank them for their hospitality, then return to your lodge to relax for the rest of the day.

Day 9: Transfer to Entebbe, Depart

Peruse the tropical fruit at a stand on Fort Portal-Mbarara Road

Now that you've visited three iconic national parks in Uganda and learned more about the country's rich culture, it's time to head home. Break up the six-hour back to Entebbe with lunch en route and a stop at a fruit market on Fort Portal-Mbarara Road. When you arrive in the city, head straight to the airport for your flight home. Safe travels!

More Great Uganda Itineraries

Looking for more inspiration for your trip to Uganda? Check out these other Uganda itineraries, with outdoor adventures, cultural trips, and best-of tours to hit the highlights. 


Map of Ultimate Uganda Wildlife Tour: National Parks & Cultural Highlights - 9 Days
Map of Ultimate Uganda Wildlife Tour: National Parks & Cultural Highlights - 9 Days