Anne Førde Blom
I grew up in the islands outside Bergen in the western part of Norway. When I was 20 years old, I went to study Tourism Management in Stavanger for 3 years. In this period I also did an exchange semester in Barcelona. After finishing the bachelor degree, I have been working at a cozy hotel in Aurlandsfjorden for the last two summer seasons. In between that, I have also been working on the top of mount Ulriken in Bergen. This makes me pretty familiar with the western part of Norway, both fjords and mountains as well as the cities and islands in the coastline.
My interest for being out in the nature, plants and the animals living in it, made me open up my eyes about the climate change and how we should take better care of our planet. Also as a new dog owner, I am getting more and more interested in the hiking and wilderness lifestyle. I think that if we travel more sustainable, the tourism industry can help economically, socially and the environment, without negative impact on the planet.
What places and activities do you specialize in?
"Western part of Norway and especially Sognefjorden and Aurlandsfjorden. Activities like fjordcruises, scenic routes, hiking and farm stays and visits. Also the islands outside Bergen where I grew up and Bergen where I have been living in back and forth in many years. "
How did you get involved in travel?
"I have always been fascinated about the geography and different cultures since we started learning about it in school. Growing up, my parents have showed me a big part of Norway which I am very happy about today. "
Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.
"Travelling in Costa Rica was a unique experience alone, but the volunteer project we did with the turtle was the most memorable. Looking after the turtle nests in the middle of the night and looking up at the stars was one of the great memories. But the best one, is when we were helping the baby turles out in the big sea. In addition to making sure they got safe out in the sea, we also clean the beaches for all the plastic that don`t belong in the nature. "
Anne Førde's favorite itineraries and travel advice
Top itineraries and travel advice

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