Unforgettable Birding Trip to Colombia
Colombia | Jul 30 - Aug 10, 2024

Thea B.
Canada | Reviewed on Aug 13, 2024

Booking our trip through Kimkim was incredibly easy. For many years now, I've wanted to go birdwatching in Colombia but knew so little about the country and where to go. Michael put together an amazing itinerary starting in Bogota, ending in Santa Marta, and including Manizales in the "coffee triangle". We saw over 200 species of birds, most of which were lifers, and stayed in some of the most beautiful places I think I've ever seen. Hacienda Venezia was a spectacular historic home on a coffee plantation; El Dorado had "glamorous" huts on the top of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, with panoramic views of the entire planet, it felt; and Senda Koguiwa felt like a luxurious tropical resort. Even the HAB hotel, where we stayed in Bogota, was chic, comfortable, and upscale. The guides were incredibly knowledgable and everyone was kind and attentive. There were some live changes to the itinerary, but that's par for the course.

There were just a few issues, all of which could be ironed out with a few adjustments:

1. The breakfast box supplied by Senda Koguiwa was awful: a dry bread roll with tasteless cheese and ham, and nothing else. It was clear to me that they don't usually put these together for guests.

2. The accommodations at El Dorado were beautiful but they were dangerous. The pathways that lead from the huts up to the main restaurant were loose, slippery, and muddy and didn't have any hand railing to help people stabilize themselves. The wooden boards that were used to create steps in the mud were rotting and collapsed when stepped on. Someone literally could break their leg hiking this path. They also haven't strung up any lights along these pathways and so when you walk back from the restaurant at night (it's a good 8-minute walk to the furthest cabins!) you essentially do that in the pitch blackness. We weren't prepared for this: no one told us to bring torches for the journey.

3. Our final guide for the trip (and I won't mention his name here) was extremely knowledgeable but he lacked experience actually GUIDING people, particularly larger groups. He didn't really look after us at all but rather walked ahead, birded, and told whoever was closest to him what they were seeing. He didn't explain anything, didn't make sure the whole group had seen the birds, and didn't wait for the stragglers to catch up. We had some older folks in our group and he never waited to help them up/down slippery slopes or difficult obstacles. He just forged ahead and if someone had dropped off the edge of the mountain, he probably wouldn't have noticed. I learned how to work with him—by sticking closely to his side and asking him relentless questions—but the rest of the group struggled. He also never explained what we were doing or what to expect so we were often ill-prepared for the activities we were doing. I'm able to say these things about him because the other guides we had were so wonderful with the group.

4. Finally, birding is a long and physical activity. It would be nice if all the guides kept a cooler in the back of the van with bottles of cold water, soft drinks, and perhaps some snacks (health bars / fruit or whatever) on trips that are longer than 3 hours. There were many early mornings we left to bird and weren't given any coffee or tea at all, and had to wait until mid-morning breakfast or lunch to eat or drink again. It would take so little to address this and it would have a major impact on the happiness of your future birders.

5. Recommendation for Senda Koguiwa: put up bird feeders! They have such a gorgeous property with so many birds already but with feeders, you'd attract birdwatchers by the thousands!

None of these are criticisms but rather intended as feedback to help Kimkim fine-tune its services for birders. Overall, we had the adventure of a lifetime and it was wonderful to sit back and enjoy the ride!

Local specialist: Michael Gold
Michael Gold
Local specialist in San Agustín, Huila, Colombia | Replied on Aug 19, 2024
Dear Thea, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your detailed feedback. I'm thrilled to hear that your group had such a memorable birdwatching adventure in Colombia and that the itinerary met your expectations, allowing you to see over 200 bird species in these diverse locations. WOW! It’s great to know that you enjoyed your stays, particularly at Hacienda Venecia, El Dorado, and Senda Koguiwa, and that our guides were knowledgeable and attentive throughout most of your trip. I... Read more

Dear Thea,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your detailed feedback. I'm thrilled to hear that your group had such a memorable birdwatching adventure in Colombia and that the itinerary met your expectations, allowing you to see over 200 bird species in these diverse locations. WOW! It’s great to know that you enjoyed your stays, particularly at Hacienda Venecia, El Dorado, and Senda Koguiwa, and that our guides were knowledgeable and attentive throughout most of your trip.

I truly appreciate your constructive feedback regarding the areas that could use improvement. Your comments are incredibly valuable as they help us enhance the experience for future travelers. We will discuss the points you mentioned with the hotels and guides to ensure these improvements are made!

Thank you again, and we hope to welcome you back soon.

Best regards,
Michael & The Chaska Tours Team