How to Get from Leticia to Bogotá

The only way to make the 678-mile (1,092 km) journey from Leticia to Bogotá is by plane.
The direct flight will take about two hours, and there are at least two flights leaving Leticia each day.
If you'd like to take a boat trip to see pink dolphins, stay in a treehouse, and meet members of an Indigenous community before heading to the Colombian capital, consider this 7-day tour through the Amazon surrounding Leticia.
By Plane
Duration: 2 hours
Direct flights to Bogotá's El Dorado International Airport (BOG) leave from Leticia's Vásquez Cobo International Airport (LET) up to three times each day. The trip takes around two hours and is usually serviced by national airline Avianca or international airline LATAM.
Since the airport in Leticia is small and easy to navigate, you'll be sure to get to your gate on time if arrive at the airport an hour before your flight.
Consider further exploring the highlands surrounding Bogotá on this 8-day tour that includes a tour of a cathedral in an underground salt mine and trips to beautiful colonial towns with cobblestone streets.