During a Galápagos cruise, you can explore dramatic coastal cliffs, serene lagoons, and wildlife-filled volcanic landscapes. If you're seeking a short but action-packed adventure, choose between a three or four-night cruise featuring the islands of Santa Cruz, Española, and San Cristóbal. Or, opt for a six or eight-day cruise to relax more between excursions. Diving enthusiasts will find a dedicated eight-day cruise an excellent fit, while those eager to get off the beaten path spend 15 fabulous days at sea.

Itinerary #1: Introductory Nature Cruise Through the Galápagos

This short but spectacular four-day cruise introduces you to the rugged interior, wildlife-filled beaches, and spectacular underwater world of the Galápagos archipelago. Stops on Isla Santa Cruz, Isla Floreana, Isla Española, and Isla San Cristóbal make this itinerary perfect for first-time visitors who've always dreamed of spotting magnificent land, air, and marine wildlife. Giant tortoises, sea lions, penguins, blue-footed boobies, and hammerhead sharks are just a few of the species you'll likely witness in their natural habitat.

The last day of your trip includes snorkeling around a Galápagos landmark: Kicker Rock
The last day of your trip includes snorkeling around a Galápagos landmark: Kicker Rock
Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive on Isla Santa Cruz, Board Cruise, Highlands Tour Cruise Ship
Day 2 Cruise to Isla Floreana: Post Office Bay, Cormorant Point & Snorkeling Cruise Ship
Day 3 Cruise to Isla Española: Punta Suarez & Gardner Bay Cruise Ship
Day 4 Cruise to Isla Cristóbal, Snorkeling at Kicker Rock, Depart  

Welcome to the Galápagos! Your adventure begins on Isla Baltra, where a driver awaits to transfer you to a luxury cruise ship docked on adjacent Isla Santa Cruz. After dropping your bags, it's right back to the mainland to hike in search of exotic birds and the giant tortoise. The following morning, cruise to Isla Floreana, which will be your base for a day of swimming, hiking, and wildlife watching. First up is Post Office Bay, home to the oldest functioning "post office" in the Pacific, and you'll also visit Cormorant Point and snorkel at Devil's Crown.

Your cruise next brings you to Isla Española, and with an afternoon to spend here, you'll have plenty of time to trek in search of albatrosses, blue-footed boobies, and sea lions. Additionally, head over to Osborn Islet to swim and snorkel before settling in for your last night aboard the ship. Speaking of, wake early to make the most of your final day, which kicks off with a cruise to Isla San Cristóbal. Here, you'll snorkel amid fish-filled volcanic rock formations at Kicker Rock until the time arrives to head to the airport. Learn more

Itinerary #2: Sailing Darwin's Route: Galápagos Nature Cruise

On this five-day sailing itinerary, you'll spend five days seeking out the fascinating wildlife of the Galápagos in their natural habitat. Featuring six islands, each filled to the brim with native species, and plenty of time to hike, snorkel, and observe, this itinerary is perfect for those who want to experience Darwin's discoveries. Highlights include a chance to witness hybrid iguanas on Plaza Sur, Galápagos mockingbirds on Isla Santa Fé, blue-footed boobies on Isla San Cristóbal, and Pacific green turtles on Isla Española.

Go in search of the waved albatross on Isla Española
Go in search of the waved albatross on Isla Española
Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive on Isla Santa Cruz, Cruise to Isla Seymour Norte Cruise Ship
Day 2 Cruise to Plaza Sur & Isla Santa Fé  Cruise Ship
Day 3 Cruise to Isla Isla San Cristóbal: Pitt Point & Witch Hill Cruise Ship
Day 4 Cruise to Isla Española: Suarez Point & Gardner Bay Cruise Ship
Day 5 Cruise to Isla Santa Cruz, Visit Turtle Breeding Center, Depart  

After arriving on Isla Baltra and transferring to Santa Cruz's pier, your adventure really kicks off as you board a motorized sailing catamaran—your home for the following four nights. Refresh as you cruise over to Isla Seymour, which is where you'll spend the afternoon hiking in search of blue-footed boobies, land iguanas, and sea lions. The next day's cruise brings you to Isla Plaza Sur and Isla Sante Fé, both excellent destinations to embark on wildlife-watching walks. Keep your eye out for nesting swallow-tailed gulls, the Galápagos mockingbird, and hybrid iguanas. 

Waking up on the third day of your cruise, you'll find the catamaran sailing east to Isla San Cristóbal. With a full day here, you'll have plenty of time to hike around the volcanic cliffs of Pitt Point and relax on the coral-sand beach of Witch Hill. Next up is Isla Española, where you'll hop off at Punta Suarez to witness waved albatrosses and at Gardner Bay to photograph sea lions. Then, on your final day, dock in Santa Cruz and squeeze in a visit to Fausto Llerena Breeding Center before catching your connecting flight. Learn more

Itinerary #3: Wildlife Cruise Adventure in the Galápagos Islands

Perfect for travelers seeking a more immersive introduction to the many wonders of the Galápagos archipelago, this active six-day exploration features plentiful time on land and in the water. While anchored near San Cristóbal, you'll spend a day each hiking and snorkeling, with a chance to see everything from colorful fish and sea turtles to barking sea lions and the famous Galápagos giant tortoises. Then, admire waved albatrosses on Isla Española and unique volcanic crystals on Isla Floreana before wrapping up your trip on Isla Santa Cruz.

Meet a variety of friendly and exotic creatures in the Galápagos Islands
Meet a variety of friendly and exotic creatures in the Galápagos Islands
Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive on Isla San Cristóbal, Board Cruise, Explore Isla Lobos Cruise Ship
Day 2 Explore Punta Pitt, Hike to Galapaguera Natural Cruise Ship
Day 3 Explore Cerro Brujo, Snorkeling at Kicker Rock Cruise Ship
Day 4 Cruise to Isla Española: Punta Suarez & Gardner Bay Cruise Ship
Day 5 Cruise to Isla Floreana: Cormorant Point & Post Office Bay Cruise Ship
Day 6 Cruise to Isla Santa Cruz, Visit the Charles Darwin Research Station, Depart  

Your adventure cruise in the Galápagos begins with your arrival on Isla San Cristóbal, but you won't stay long, as straight after settling in onboard a cruise ship, it's time to set off to Isla Lobos. Here, the afternoon is yours to swim, snorkel, and wildlife watch. The next morning brings you to Isla San Cristóbal, and following a hike at Punta Pitt in search of blue-footed boobies, you'll continue to Natural Galapaguera to meet giant tortoises. Then, trade your hiking boots for a swimsuit, as you'll spend a day snorkeling at two of Isla San Cristóbal's top sights, Cerro Brujo and Kicker Rock.

The second half of your cruise starts with stops at Isla Española's Punta Suarez and Gardner Bay, both home to marvelous waved albatrosses. Then, after another dreamy night onboard, you'll find yourself hopping off on Isla Floreana to search for unique volcanic crystals that grow on the beach. You'll also glide over to Post Office Bay to admire the Pacific's oldest post office before calling it a night. Your final day of cruising sees you to Isla Santa Cruz, where you'll round off your adventure with a visit to the Charles Darwin Research Station. Learn more

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Itinerary #4: Luxury Galápagos Cruise & Classic Wildlife Highlights

This eight-day yacht voyage has been specially crafted for those seeking a mix of first-class amenities, beach time, and full-day nature excursions. While calling the lavish M/C Endemic home, you'll have the privilege of exploring wildlife-filled islands during the day and relaxing in ultimate comfort come night. Destinations that are sure to leave a long-lasting impression include the otherworldly lava fields of Isla Santiago, the mighty Sierra Negra volcano, the salty waters of Darwin Lake, and the sea lion haven of Buccaneer Cove.

Step aboard your luxury cruiser, ready to explore the Galápagos (photo courtesy of M/C Endemic)
Step aboard your luxury cruiser, ready to explore the Galápagos (photo courtesy of M/C Endemic)
Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive on Isla Santa Cruz, Visit Playa Bachas, Board Cruise Cruise Ship
Day 2 Cruise to Isla Genovesa & Darwin Bay Cruise Ship
Day 3 Cruise to Sullivan Bay, Visit Los Gemelos Cruise Ship
Day 4 Cruise to Isla Isabela: Visit Wetlands, Sierra Negra Volcano & Turtle Center Cruise Ship
Day 5 Visit Elizabeth Bay & Urbina Bay Cruise Ship
Day 6 Visit Tagus Cove, Cruise to Isla Fernandina & Espinoza Point Cruise Ship
Day 7 Cruise to Isla Santiago: Visit Buccaneer Cove & Isla Rábida Cruise Ship
Day 8 Visit Mosquera Islet, Cruise to Isla Baltra, Depart  

Upon arriving on the Isla Baltra, look for your driver who awaits to whisk you to the pier at Puerto Ayora. Here, the crew of the luxurious M/C Endemic welcomes you on board for a fabulous eight-day journey. Kick things off with a restful evening, setting you up perfectly for the following day's wildlife-watching excursions on Isla Genovesa, Isla Santiago, and Isla Santa Cruz. Before you know it, you'll already wake to Day 4, which promises to be spectacular with a hike on the Sierra Negra volcano and a trip to the Arnaldo Tupiza Breeding Center on the agenda. 

While cruising the coast of Isla Isabela, you'll also disembark at Elizabeth Bay to spot penguins and blue-footed boobies and at Urbina Bay to hike around volcanic rock formations. Your next destination is Isla Fernandina, home to colonies of marine iguanas, followed by Isla Santiago, where you'll switch to a glass-bottom boat to tour Buccaneer Cove. Additionally, on Isla Santiago, spend an afternoon kayaking off the coast of Playa Espumilla. Afterward, relax on the red-sand beaches of Isla Rábida and explore the vegetated sandbars of Mosquera islet before catching your connecting flight home. Learn more

Itinerary #5: Galápagos First-Class Diving Cruise

Those eager to maximize their time discovering the magnificent underwater world of the Galápagos will find this eight-day diving adventure the perfect fit. You'll need to arrive Scuba certified, but in return, you'll have the chance to dive in natural caverns, under archways, atop a sea wall, and in protected bays. Of course, it's not just about the marine landscapes—you can also look forward to spotting giant mantas, schools of barracuda, hammerheads, creolefish, and even rare swimming iguanas.

Dive alongside turtles and tropical fish on an eight-day cruising adventure in the Galápagos
Dive alongside turtles and tropical fish on an eight-day cruising adventure in the Galápagos
Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive on Isla Baltra, Board Cruise, Isla Baltra Dive Cruise Ship
Day 2 Cruise to Isla Isabela: Cape Marshall & City of the Mantas Dive Cruise Ship
Day 3 Cruise to Isla Darwin: Darwin's Arch & Theater Dives Cruise Ship
Day 4 Cruise to Isla Wolf: El Arenal & Shark Bay Dives Cruise Ship
Day 5 Isla Wolf Dives: Landslide, Pinnacle & Secret Cave Cruise Ship
Day 6 Cruise to Islas Isabela & Isla Fernandina: Vicente Roca & Cape Douglas Dives Cruise Ship
Day 7 Cousin's Rock Dive, Cruise to Isla Santa Cruz, Visit the Island's Highlands Cruise Ship
Day 8 Transfer to Isla Baltra, Depart  

From the airport on Isla Baltra, transfer to the port on Santa Cruz and hop aboard the M/Y Aqua—a purpose-built diving vessel and your home for seven nights. Soon after dropping your bags, you'll receive your diving gear and head out for your first underwater adventure. Then, settled in and eager for more, spend the following days diving amid giant mantas at Ciudad de las Mantas and schools of hammerhead sharks at Darwin's Theater. You'll also witness schools of creolefish at El Arenal and dive amid the shallow waters of Shark Bay before reaching the halfway mark of your journey.

There's plenty more in store for the second leg though, starting with three top diving sights off the coast of Isla Wolf, including the Landslide, the underwater caves of the Pinnacle, and a night dive at the sheltered cove of Anchorage. Then, split a day between Isla Isabela's Vicente Roca Point, where you'll dive under a natural archway, and Isla Fernandina's Cape Douglas, home to the world's only swimming iguanas. Afterward, take a break from the underwater world to venture to the El Chato Tortoise Reserve, located in Isla Santa Cruz's highlands, before prepping for your onward flight. Learn more

Itinerary #6: Epic Galápagos Exploration by Luxury Yacht: Cruise to Remote Islands, Hidden Bays & Rare Wildlife

Specially crafted for travelers who are eager to head off the beaten path and discover the very best of the Galápagos, this luxurious 15-day journey promises to impress every step of the way. While calling the M/Y Infinity motor yacht home, you'll have plenty of time to relax in style between land and sea excursions. From strolling the sea cliffs of Tagus Cove and hiking through Sullivan Bay's lave fields to snorkeling alongside rays at Devil's Crown and with penguins at Pinnacle Rock, each disembarkment reveals fascinating wildlife and landscapes.

Take a spin around Sullivan Bay on your epic luxury cruise through the Galápagos archipelago
Take a spin around Sullivan Bay on your epic luxury cruise through the Galápagos archipelago
Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive on Isla San Cristóbal, Board Cruise, Beaches & Turtle Center Cruise Ship
Day 2 Cruise to Isla Santa Fé & Isla Plaza Sur  Cruise Ship
Day 3 Cruise to Isla Santa Cruz: Turtle Breeding Center & Los Gemelos Cruise Ship
Day 4 Cruise to Isla Isabela: Punta Moreno & Elizabeth Bay Cruise Ship
Day 5 Day Trip to Urbina Bay & Tagus Cove Cruise Ship
Day 6 Cruise to Isla Fernandina: Espinoza Point & Vicente Roca Cruise Ship
Day 7 Cruise to Isla Santiago: Egas Port & Isla Bartolomé Cruise Ship
Day 8 Cruise to Isla Seymour Norte & Black Turtle Cove Cruise Ship
Day 9 Cruise to Isla Genovesa & Darwin Bay Cruise Ship
Day 10 Cruise to Isla Santiago: Sullivan Bay & Isla Rábida Cruise Ship
Day 11 Cruise to Isla Santa Cruz, Visit El Chato Reserve Cruise Ship
Day 12 Day Trip to Dragon Hill & Playa Bachas Cruise Ship
Day 13 Cruise to Isla Floreana: Post Office Bay, Cormorant Point & Snorkeling Cruise Ship
Day 14 Cruise to Isla Española: Suarez Point, Gardner Bay & Osborn Islet Cruise Ship
Day 15 Cruise to Isla San Cristóbal, Gianni Arismendy Interpretation Center, Depart  

Straight after landing on Isla Baltra in the Galápagos, a driver will whisk you away to nearby Puerto Ayora, where the luxurious M/Y Infinity awaits. This decadent motor yacht is your home for the duration of your 15-day voyage, and with modern conveniences and excellent staff, it's the perfect place to relax and unwind between excursions. Speaking of, spend your first few days cruising between Isla Santa Fé, Isla Plaza Sur, and Isla Santa Cruz, pausing to hike, snorkel, and watch wildlife. Then, observe blue-footed boobies on Isla Isabela, penguins on Isla Fernandina, and fur seals on Isla Santiago.

Week two of your grand adventure introduces you to more uninhabited islands and remote coastlines. First up is Isla Seymour Norte, where you'll come across both land and marine iguanas, followed by stops at Black Turtle Cove and Darwin Bay. Over the next few days, hike through the lava fields of Isla Santiago, laze on the red-sand beaches of Isla Rábida, and spot Galápagos tortoises on Isla Santa Cruz. Then, dedicate your final days to exploring Isla Floreana's rugged coastlines and Isla Española's spectacular blowholes before docking at Isla San Cristóbal to catch your departing flight. Learn more

More Great Galápagos Islands Itineraries

Looking for more inspiration for your trip to the Galápagos Islands? Check out these other Galápagos Islands itineraries, with island-hopping cruises, land-based trips, and best-of tours to hit the highlights.