Marvel at giant volcanoes, trek through the rainforest, and spot rare birds in cloud forests with this far-reaching 10-day Ecuador adventure. Start by straddling the equator in Quito, then walk the colonial streets of Cuenca, explore pre-Inca ruins at Ingapurca, and hike the slopes of the Chimborazo volcano. Follow the "Route of Waterfalls" in Baños, venture into the Amazon for two nights at a jungle lodge, then wrap up back in the capital with a day trip to the misty forests of Mindo.


  • Walk Quito's oldest street, La Ronda, in the UNESCO-listed Old Town
  • Learn about why Cuenca is known as the "Athens of Ecuador"
  • Grab a photo on the famous treehouse swing in Baños
  • Meet Indigenous tribes in the Amazon near Archidona
  • Spot diverse bird species, such as toucans, in the cloud forests of Mindo

Brief Itinerary

Day Highlights Overnight
Day 1 Arrive in Quito, Explore the Historic Center Quito
Day 2 See the Mitad del Mundo Monument, Fly to Cuenca Cuenca
Day 3 Explore the Ancient Ingapirca Ruins, Transfer to Guamote Guamote
Day 4 Discover the Chimborazo Volcano, Transfer to Baños de Agua Santa Baños
Day 5 Waterfalls & Treehouses in Baños Baños
Day 6 Transfer to Archidona, the "Gateway to the Amazon" Archidona
Day 7 Rainforest Trek & Cultural Excursion Archidona
Day 8 Morning in the Amazon, Transfer to Quito Quito
Day 9 Day Trip to Mindo Cloud Forest Quito
Day 10 Depart Quito  

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive in Quito, Explore the Historic Center

Views over Quito and the Cotopaxi Volcano
Once you land in Ecuador, enjoy views over Quito and the Cotopaxi volcano

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Ecuador! Your flight touches down in Quito, one of the world's highest-altitude capitals at 9,350 feet (2,850 m). After settling into your hotel, you'll have the rest of today to explore the city independently, from the UNESCO-listed historic center to the lively bars around Plaza Foch. Walk through Parque Metropolitano Guangüiltagua, the largest urban park on the continent, or ride the TelefériQo to the top of Cruz Loma for dramatic skyline views.

Stroll through the narrow streets of the Old Town and visit some of its most important churches, such as the Baroque La Compañía, with its incredible gold-covered interior, and the neo-Gothic La Basílica del Voto Nacional. Take a walk down La Ronda, one of the oldest streets in the city, and have dinner in one of the traditional Ecuadorian restaurants.

Day 2: See the Mitad del Mundo Monument, Fly to Cuenca

Cuenca is known as the "Athens of Ecuador" for its rich culture and ornate architecture

This morning, you'll visit the equatorial monument known as Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the World). It's located just 16 miles (26 km) north of Quito in the spot where French scientists determined the position of the central line many years ago. You'll have the chance to stand on the line of the equator and strike a pose with one foot in each hemisphere. Visit the adjacent museum, featuring a planetarium, chocolate exhibits, and a small-scale model of Quito.

Then, meet your driver for a transfer to Quito's airport, where you'll catch a flight to Cuenca, one of the most beautiful cities in Ecuador. After you land, meet your driver for a transfer to the city center. Settle into your hotel, then explore Cuenca on your own. Start in the Old Town, where Spanish colonial architecture sprawls out of charming squares. Next up, head to El Barranco to admire the casas colgadas (hanging houses) over the Huécar Gorge. End the day at the Mirador de Turi deck, where you can enjoy panoramic views and catch the sunset. 

Day 3: Explore the Ancient Ingapirca Ruins, Transfer to Guamote

Ruins of Ingapirca
See the extraordinary Inca ruins of Ingapirca

Leave Cuenca this morning on a 1.5-hour drive north to the Ingapirca ruins, which sit at 10,498 feet (3,200 m). Ingapirca, meaning "Inca Wall," comprises the most extensive remains of the Cañari culture, later subdued by the Inca empire, which conquered large parts of South America in the 15th century. At the center of the ruins, you'll see the Temple of the Sun, a temple with well-preserved ancient stone walls that the Inca used both as an observatory and to track the seasons and times of day by the sun. 

Your guide will also lead you to a complex network of ancient terraces cascading down the hillsides. These creative agricultural practices allowed the Cañari and Inca to cultivate crops in the challenging Andean environment. You'll also learn about the ancient rituals practiced here at the Tumba Cañari, a sacred burial site. It offers much insight into the beliefs and customs that defined the Cañari view of the afterlife. Then, visit the small museum that houses Inca ceramics, sculptures, and tools. At the end of the tour, you'll continue to the town of Guamote for the night.

Day 4: Discover the Chimborazo Volcano, Transfer to Baños de Agua Santa

See the impressive Chimborazo volcano on your way to Baños
Plan your trip to Ecuador
Chat with a local specialist who can help organize your trip.

Today's trip takes you from Guamote to the heights of the mighty Chimborazo volcano. This inactive volcano sits at 20,710 feet (6,310 m) and is Ecuador's highest and largest mountain. It stands tall with three distinct peaks, each reaching toward the eastern sky, creating a captivating silhouette against the horizon. The sheer magnitude of this geological masterpiece is evident as you gaze upon its vast base, spanning over an astonishing 12.5 miles (20 km) in diameter. Wild llamas, alpacas, and vicuñas (the smallest species of camelid) can be spotted roaming the plateau.

Your guide will drive you to the Hermanos Carrel mountain hut at 15,700 feet (4,800 m). The adventurous can hike from here to the Whymper Hut, located even higher up at 16,400 feet (5,000 ft). Non-mountaineers can still enjoy the majesty of this terrain on a hike around the surrounding Chimborazo Natural Reserve. After exploring, meet your driver for a 2.5-hour transfer east to Baños de Agua Santa (or just Baños) for a relaxing evening. 

Day 5: Waterfalls & Treehouses in Baños

Explore the sights of beautiful Baños today, including the "Devil's Cauldron"

The magnificent, subtropical cloud forest environment of Baños offers incredible hikes, and the town itself is charming. There are hot springs, great cafés, a beautiful town square, and rows of little stores along the sidewalk where the locals weave melocha (toffee). Walk around the town, then head into the mountains and surrounding forest for an adventure. Be sure to dress for all weather conditions, as the temperature can change quickly. 

Your driver will take you along the scenic Ruta de las Cascadas (Avenue of the Waterfalls) toward the village of Río Verde. When you arrive in town, take a one-hour hike to one of the area's famous waterfalls, El Pailón del Diablo (Devil's Cauldron). The water here cascades 265 feet (81 m) down through the cloud forest.

After marveling at the falls, you'll transfer back to Baños. On the way, stop outside town at Casa del Arbol, a treehouse with a swing named "The End of the World" for its panoramic canyon views. If you like, afterward, you can stop for a soak at nearby hot springs, heated naturally by the nearby active volcano of Tungurahua, which sits around 5 miles (8 km) outside the city. After you've enjoyed the restorative powers of the healing waters, return to your hotel in town. 

Day 6: Transfer to Archidona, the "Gateway to the Amazon"

Look up as you explore the rainforest around your lodge to spot monkeys, sloths, and toucans in the canopy

Today starts with a scenic transfer from the Andes to the Amazon. This three-hour journey takes you northeast, through beautiful landscapes dotted with volcanoes, and into the mega-diverse Amazonian ecosystem, where your destination is Archidona. Known as the "Gateway to the Amazon," this colonial town remains surrounded by Indigenous Kichwa communities. Once here, you'll check into a jungle lodge, where you can discover more of the Amazon on trails within the grounds. Walk barefoot and connect with the forest, relax in the natural streams, or take a refreshing swim in the Río Misahuallí

Return to the ecolodge in the afternoon and spend the rest of the day soaking up the beauty of your surroundings. In the evening, participate in a guided cultural night. Learn to make local dishes such as maito (a local river fish wrapped and cooked in a rainforest leaf), plantains, and organic chocolate. You'll discover every step in the local chocolate-making process, from roasting the cocoa beans to eating the finished product with fresh fruit.

Day 7: Rainforest Trek & Cultural Excursion

Meet Indigenous residents of the Amazon today and learn about their culture

Wake up to the sounds of the rainforest today. After breakfast, set off on a three-hour rainforest trek. As you explore, your naturalist guide will highlight rainforest features, like endemic wildlife and medicinal plants. Animals to look for include monkeys, tapirs, sloths, toucans, and even jaguars. The adventure continues in a 394-foot (120 m) cave home to fruit bats. Then, move on to the Golondrinas Waterfall, which cascades 46 feet (14 m) into a turquoise lagoon, where you can swim. Later, visit a guayusa (holly tree) plantation, where you'll witness how the leaves are made into tea.

After a lunch break, you'll visit an Indigenous Kichwa community and experience their traditional dances and culture. You'll also learn how they prepare the famous chicha, a fermented beverage made from manioc (cassava). Later, back at the lodge, you'll sit for a dinner featuring regional specialties. Afterward, take a 40-minute walk around the gardens. Here, you can spot grasshoppers, insects, frogs, and—if you're lucky—bioluminous fungi.

Day 8: Morning in the Amazon, Transfer to Quito

Break up the drive back to Quito with a stop at the Papallacta Hot Springs
After a final walk through your Archidona lodge's beautiful gardens, your driver will pick you up set off north into the Ecuadorian highlands toward Quito. Along this three-hour drive, you can make a stop at Papallacta to soothe tired muscles in its natural hot springs. Unwind in the thermal waters against the backdrop of the Andes, or treat yourself to a massage before continuing your journey. You'll arrive in Quito in the late afternoon, where you have the rest of the evening free.

Day 9: Day Trip to Mindo Cloud Forest

Head to Mindo's famous cloud forest to spot rare birds like the pale-mandibled aracari

Leave Quito again this morning on a trip two hours west to Mindo. This town enjoys an ideal location on the slopes of the Andes, with mild temperatures and plenty of rainfall. These conditions have resulted in the region's famous cloud forest ecosystems, which feature some of the most biodiverse forests on Earth. It's also one of the world's best bird-watching destinations, home to over 500 avian species. 

You're in for a real treat as you'll spend the day exploring this natural wonderland. During a guided excursion through the cloud forest, you'll visit a butterfly farm, trek to waterfalls, go river tubing, soar between the treetops on a zipline, and sample locally-made chocolate and coffee. That's to say nothing of all the colorful birds you'll see, which include hummingbirds, toucans, tanagers, manakins, and more. Afterward, you'll be dropped back at your hotel in Quito to enjoy your final evening in the city.

Day 10: Depart Quito

Transfer back to Quito - Departure
Catch another glimpse of Quito and Cotopaxi as you fly away

Explore the city on your own this morning. Take a stroll through the narrow streets of Quito's historic city center, have a drink on a terrace in Plaza de San Francisco, take in the views from atop El Panecillo, or do some souvenir shopping at the Mercado Artesanal. When the time comes, your driver will be waiting to transfer you to the airport to catch your onward connection. Safe travels! 

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Map of Ecuador Discovery Tour: Andes to the Amazon- 10 Days
Map of Ecuador Discovery Tour: Andes to the Amazon- 10 Days