An Amazing Trip for Father & Daughter
Australia | Jun 16 - Jun 26, 2024

Michael Z.
Dallas, TX | Reviewed on Jul 04, 2024

Liz Neal was our specialist for this trip and she did an amazing job, especially given the relatively little time she had to make so many arrangements. I believe we started communication around the second week of March for a trip that would start middle of June. And though she was focused on the Australia part of our trip she also helped us in getting to Singapore from Perth, and then from Singapore home four days later. During the arrangements we spoke live a couple of times and had lots of chats back and forth through the KimKim communication portal, which was very handy. And Liz was incredibly responsive and adaptive to a couple of unexpected changes we had to make to our itinerary.

I am blessed to have a wonderful daughter who loves to travel. Our flights to Australia and from Singapore were long, but seemed to go by fast because I knew she was really appreciating all that we were doing together. And Liz has kids too, so I appreciated her consideration of an adult and youth traveling together. There are so many highlights from our trip it's hard to know where to begin. I had been to Sydney before for business, so I sort of knew my way around, but like the entire trip, having transportation to and from the airport to our hotels was incredibly convenient.

And when we arrived at the hotel, Liz had sent us a packet containing a convenient little booklet of our whole itinerary, along with information guides of the different places we were going. I used these a lot, so that was a nice bonus. Of course, Liz had already provided digital versions of our flight and trip itineraries but it was still nice to have a convenient little booklet I could carry with me and refer to a lot.

Liz booked us on the Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb at sunset, which was stunning. Our guide, Meg, was enthusiastic and very considerate of all the members in our team. This was definitely a highlight of our trip. We got awesome pictures, and we had plenty of time that day and the next to walk around and even take a ferry to Manly. We were then picked up and taken to the airport for our flight to Cairns. By the way, all of the drivers were very personable, and gave us advice on other things to do during our stays.

For the snorkeling of the Great Barrier Reef out of Cairns, we had an incredible time, and really appreciated how close our hotel was to the marina and the nice restaurants. We snorkeled at three locations, the guides were awesome, and my daughter was beating me into the water each time.  We felt very comfortable with our surroundings and even swam off in different directions. We have both SCUBA dived as well and really didn't think there was much of an advantage to diving in such a relatively shallow are. The food on board was wonderful and we had incredible weather. In fact, we had great weather the whole trip. I really think visiting Australia, especially the northern part, in the winter, is the best way to go. The water at the Reef was warm.

After Cairns, we flew to Darwin. Oh, by the way, it was very thoughtful that a credit for food and drink was arranged for our domestic flights in Australia. It was nice to have a sandwich and drink during those flights. Darwin was another great place for us to visit and our day trip to Kakadu and Litchfield were incredible. At Kakadu, seeing the rock paintings, doing the Yellow River boat tour (so many crocodiles!) and then we took a flying tour of the whole park, which was an extra option, but incredibly worth it. The wetlands, rock formations and even the uranium mine, were all very interesting to see from the air, much of which you couldn't access by land.

The next day's Litchfield experience was a smaller tour, involving a lot of swimming at springs and waterfalls. Our group got to know one another very well and everyone was especially impressed with my daughter's songwriting and performing experience. We must of played her songs from YouTube several times! And this reminds me that during our whole trip my daughter was included in everything and made to feel very welcome. That's wonderful for the father of a teenager to see.

So eachj days of our trip involved vastly different activities, and going on to Broome was no exception. SO far in our trip we had one night in Sydney, two in Cairns, three in Darwin, and then two nights in Broome. Our first evening involved a sunset cruise that included wonderful appetizers and a swim behind the boat in a large net. This was wonderful, the water perfect. The next day we were up really early to fly out to the Horizontal Falls in a seaplane. This is a must-do! We had an incredible time. After our water landing, we taxied over to a pontoon hotel where we swam next to sharks, and a wonderful breakfast and then went in boats to see the Falls up close. After that we flew back but went a little bit different way so we could see some other interesting coastal features. Then that evening, we did a one-hour sunset camel ride. I recommend Red Sunset Camels. They are the best!

Finally, we flew to Perth for two nights and did the Hop On Hop Off bus tour around the city. We hadn't made any plans for our visit but knew that the bus was a great way to see the city and useful as a taxi service for getting around. We ended up touring the Bell Tower (you get to ring the bells!) and the Perth Mint, where you get to see an actual liquid gold pour. After that we walked all the way around King's Park, which was beautiful, much of it along the water. Our hotel was a convenient walk to the marina where we could start our tour.

After Perth, we left for Singapore, which was recommended by Liz as a better way to go, rather than trying to visit Singapore before Australia, especially with flying into Sydney. So, this was a fantastic trip for us, creating memories we will always treasure. If I return to Australia again, or perhaps New Zealand, I will want to use Liz Neal and KimKim for all my travel arrangements. They know what they're doing!

Thank you.

- M Zumwalt

Local specialist: Liz Neal
Liz Neal
Local specialist in Sydney-Auckland-Los Angeles | Replied on Jul 04, 2024
Oh My Goodness Michael, what an awesome and thoughtful review !!! It is not only amazing and wonderful for me to read but it will help so many future travelers, learning from your experiences. As you mentioned, I have kids also, and two daughters with whom I absolutely looove to travel. One on one is definitely the best so I can feel what you felt traveling with Finley. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and she is definitely lucky to have such a wonderful dad. I truly... Read more

Oh My Goodness Michael, what an awesome and thoughtful review !!! It is not only amazing and wonderful for me to read but it will help so many future travelers, learning from your experiences.

As you mentioned, I have kids also, and two daughters with whom I absolutely looove to travel. One on one is definitely the best so I can feel what you felt traveling with Finley. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and she is definitely lucky to have such a wonderful dad.

I truly enjoyed working with you putting this trip together and YES !! of course I would love to work with you on another Australia trip, or New Zealand!! there is so much to do and see in both.

I really appreciate your kind words and until the next trip!!


PS, her songs are amazing !!!