Profile photo for Paola Vera Feijoo
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active 9 hours ago

Paola Vera Feijoo

Born and raised in Ecuador, I´m the second of four sisters. I love to make people´s dream vacations come true. Helping travelers to be the happiest is my big desire and, so far, one of my favorite achievements.
Since I was younger, I have always liked to travel and learn more about the places I have visited, such as many of the provinces in Ecuador and other countries like Colombia and Peru. I also lived in the Galapagos Islands for two years and in Montana in the US for one year.
Ecuador has my heart and soul, but I also embrace the beauty of every city and country I´ve been to.

What places and activities do you specialize in?

"I love tailor-made trips to the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon, including trekking or climbing tours in the Andes. I will curate adventurous excursions and am willing to show you the best of our culinary and cultural experience."

How did you get involved in travel?

"Since I was six years old, I have taken vacations or holidays as a chance to visit other cities in Ecuador. How? You may ask because I was a kid. Luckily, I have family in most of the provinces in Ecuador, so it was easy for me to just pick a city and be welcome.
As an adult, I took some of my adventures further, like traveling alone to Peru or even moving to the United States with my cat, Gordi.
Sharing with people of different ages, countries, and cultures has taught me much about myself and the world.

Please share a unique travel experience you will never forget.

"On one of my trips, I spent a week in the deep jungle in Arajuno. That was the most open-eye experience I ever had. I crossed the river, a two-hour walk soaked in water, admiring the tall trees and the monkeys jumping. I first-hand experienced the day-to-day activities of the Amazon kichwa community, like harvesting, fishing, and hunting. The Amazon definitely leaves a mark on your soul."

Paola is part of the following groups: Galapagos Islands Travel Agents, Ecuador Travel Agents
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