Kimkim Trip Reviews

Based on 13,451 ratings
Read 13,451 verified reviews by travelers who booked their trip on kimkim. You can also read reviews about kimkim on 3rd party sites including Google, TrustPilot and Yelp.

Post- Kopan Monastery visit
Nepal | May 8 - May 12, 2018

Kyle P.
South Africa | Reviewed on May 20, 2018
Hi Tashi and Prajwol, Sorry I've taken so long to review but I was thinking it over and didn't want to write exactly how I was feeling at the time. I'm going to just give a breakdown of my experiences on the trip you planned for me. Day 1- the touring day. The guide was very knowledgeable and he made the whole experience quite pleasant for my friend and me. We do recommend using him in the future. However, there were two situations where we felt VERY uncomfortable. I had been feeling off... Read more

Hi Tashi and Prajwol,

Sorry I've taken so long to review but I was thinking it over and didn't want to write exactly how I was feeling at the time. I'm going to just give a breakdown of my experiences on the trip you planned for me.

Day 1- the touring day.

The guide was very knowledgeable and he made the whole experience quite pleasant for my friend and me. We do recommend using him in the future. However, there were two situations where we felt VERY uncomfortable. I had been feeling off about it and when I asked my friend she said she also felt the same. It sort of felt like our guide had made prior deals to try to force us into spending more money than we wanted to. First time we felt this way was when we stopped for lunch in the Square. Our guide took us to an EXTREMELY expensive restaurant, where the food was VERY average. In fact it might have been the worst food I had during my entire 17 days in Nepal, and yet it cost more than double the meals I had in Thamel. When I went to ask why my food was taking so long to arrive (my friend's food had arrived about 15 minutes before mine) I found our guide lounging with the owners as if they were friends. When he saw me he got up very quickly as if he was trying to hide his affiliations. This is when I got very suspicious. I might be wrong but my friend felt the same way.

The second time was when we were going through the old city and we stopped outside an art school. He told us a bit of its history and ASKED us if we wanted to go in to see the artworks. We, of course, said yes. When we got to the top one of the masters was patiently waiting for us and immediately started giving us a tour of the art. This gave us more suspicions because it was DEFINITELY prearranged. Which means either I had PAID for this tour (in which case I don't understand why our guide asked if we wanted to go in), or else our guide had organized it. When the tour ended the master painter became VERY forceful about us buying art. He kept repeating that it was our choice but he did it in such as way that make us feel we didn't actually have a choice. We told him multiple times that we didn't have money and they kept in forcing the subject and came up with alternative ways for us to buy (eg they charging our hotels or the guide and us paying them back). My friend even mentioned how uncomfortable they made her feel.

I might obviously be wrong about the guide trying to scam us a little, but either way we learnt a lot about the history of Nepal from him so we enjoyed that.
If I am wrong about the guide, and he took us to such an expensive restaurant as it was part of the normal program then I'm more disappointed in you guys as I told you repeatedly that I didn't have a lot of money as I'm a student so I definitely didn't appreciate the poor planning there.

The driver for day 1 was really professional, I really recommend him for future use.

Day 2 and 3- trekking.
This was my biggest disappointment for my entire trip to Nepal. The first day of trekking was better than the second. It went through the forests and several farms so I definitely enjoyed that. It was only a little underwhelming but I was expecting the second day to be better so at the time I was happy. The second day to Nagorkot was VERY VERY disappointing. So much so that I was very irritated with whomever chose this route for me. There was so much construction the ENTIRE 7 or 8 hours, and on top of that I'm sure 95% of the trip was on the road. This isn't what I wanted at all, in fact it might have been the exact opposite of what I wanted. Perhaps you weren't completely aware of this but that just shows poor planning, because it was not a good experience. I actually felt like I wasted one of my few days left in Nepal because of this last trekking day.

My guide Pemba was good. He gave me space to just be by myself which is what I wanted, and he answered my questions whenever I had them. My conversations with him left a bit to be desired but that might have been my fault since I had had little sleep the night before so I didn't have the energy for much conversation. The lodge and guesthouse you booked for me were very disappointing as well. I understand the lodge being how it was but I expected way more from the guest house.

The driving that got me to the trekking start was fine. The driver that took me from Nagorkot to the water rafting was NOT good. But my experience with him was very likely Pemba's fault. This is the only thing I did NOT like about Pemba- he made me worry unnecessarily. The night of day 3 he told me that breakfast will be at 6 and then we will leave for 6.30 as it will take us long to get to the water rafting. He said it will be tight but we should make it on time. When I came for breakfast the next morning at 6.05 my breakfast hadn't even been made yet and Pemba started reprimanding me on my bad time. He didn't outright say it but he basically said "if you miss your river rafting then this is clearly not my fault". This honestly made me very irritated with him. He made me feel like I was a child who had no sense of responsibility. I finished eating at 6.15 and when I said I'm going to brush my teeth and then we can go he again made a comment that if we late it is my fault not his. I really didn't appreciate it. We left at 6.20 (10 minutes BEFORE he said we needed to leave) and he again made a comment about how we might miss the river rafting. So of course I worried. This is where I really started to dislike my driver that took us to the river rafting. Within the first 20 minutes he pulled us over so he could speak on the phone to his family. Normally I wouldn't have minded but Pemba got the idea that we were going to be late into my head so I was worried. After about 5 min we started again. Within 10 min he pulled us over again to phone someone else. He did this a third time. After an hour he pulled us off again so he could go to the toilet (which he should have done before we left if we had such a tight schedule). We ended up arriving over an hour BEFORE it started so all my worrying caused my Pemba was for nothing.

Other than this though, Pemba was great. He was well mannered and was always trying to make me more comfortable (whether it be him carrying my sleeping bag, or making sure my food arrived and that I had enough of it, or making sure my drinks were cold). So because of this I still highly recommend him for future use because even though I very much disliked the trekking route, he made it better.

Day 4- white river rafting.
This was by far my most memorable activity in Nepal. I had an absolutely incredible time. I highly recommend it for future suggestions to tourists. Traveling through the valleys was incredible and we saw monkeys and loads of mountain ranges. Was definitely a highlight for me.

I honestly found my experiences unusual because we had spoken at such great length about what I was wanting and not wanting. I'm not sure if I will use KimKim again in the future. You were UNREASONABLY expensive. I saw the prices for the lodges and guest houses, for my breakfast/lunch/dinner during the trekking, for the river rafting and for guided tours. What I didn't see was what the price for private cars was but I assumed it was between 5000 rupees and 10000 rupees per day. Even with this by my calculations you overcharged me by about 25 000 rupees. Plus I still had to pay tips which came to another 7000 rupees. Plus on top of this the reason you told me that you couldn't provide prices to me was because you were receiving special DISCOUNTS from the companies, so the trip should have been even cheaper. I honestly felt very cheated, whether it was because of poor planning or else you just taking advantage of my ignorance in prices, either way I didn't appreciate it.

I did like the fact that you came to meet me in person to introduce the guides etc. It was professional and I appreciated it. But that courtesy wasn't enough to fix it all.

Overall I'd give a 6/10 stars for the trip, but it is only so high because of how much I enjoyed the river rafting.

Local specialist: Prajwol Shrestha
Prajwol Shrestha
Local specialist in Kathmandu | Replied on May 25, 2018
Hi Kyle, Thank you very much for sharing your experience and your true feeling from this trip. Glad to know that you really enjoyed touring Kathmandu valley and the rafting trip organized. We did our best to provide the best experience in the given trip budget as the trip cost for a solo traveler is always expensive due to lack of cost-sharing benefit among the travelers. But your trip was priced in a very reasonable manner including all government tax and 13% VAT. We kept our service charge... Read more

Hi Kyle,

Thank you very much for sharing your experience and your true feeling from this trip. Glad to know that you really enjoyed touring Kathmandu valley and the rafting trip organized. We did our best to provide the best experience in the given trip budget as the trip cost for a solo traveler is always expensive due to lack of cost-sharing benefit among the travelers. But your trip was priced in a very reasonable manner including all government tax and 13% VAT. We kept our service charge as low as possible to earn a friend and I think some acts of freelancing guides (if they mean it) should not affect our relationship.

Normally, the tour guides are professionals and take their clients to the best and clean restaurants. Taste of food is a matter of preference in my view. It's sad to know that you were pushed to purchase by the salesman but it's their nature to make sales so far as I guess. So, please don't get disappointed with it as it's your decision which will be an ultimate decision.

And regarding trek, Sundarijal to Chisapani was a trek done off the road and it's true that lodges are just basic there. Sometimes it's hard to find a room too if our guides had no good rapport among the lodge owners. And for Nagarkot, it's just a day hike (hike refers to walking on man-made trails/road) and we have mentioned the word hike too while we were planning so far as I know. Sorry that the road widening and construction work got started about which we too were not aware of. Simply, no one will go check the route every time the trip starts, isn't it? Most of the trips are based on previous experience.

For the fourth day, I hope the guide had informed you the departing time a day before but since you did not have much conversation with him, the information should have missed making it a rush hour next morning. FYI, we do not prior book the lodges/ guesthouses for the trip. It's booked by your guide depending on your tentative destination reached that day. The accommodation is arranged in the best available lodge. May is a season time which must have made other better lodges already occupied being Nagarkot a top destination for International and domestic tourists. Please note that sometimes, domestic tourists pay a much better price for good services. So, hotel owners won't keep spare rooms for international tourists in a hope to get a possible booking. Moreover, you were not charged to be accommodated in the high-end lodge, Kyle. I sincerely expect your consideration here as such accommodation trips easily cross $650 price range.

But I am glad that you were honest on sharing your experience and we will definitely consult with guides and request them to consult with the travelers clearly about their expectations and budget constraints for lunch/ shopping. It's just some misunderstandings created otherwise we rarely get even 4 stars on our service instead of 5. You can expect much better from us in your next trip in near future.

Best wishes,

Prajwol Shrestha

Bhutan | May 2 - May 12, 2018

Simons A.
United Kingdom | Reviewed on May 20, 2018

We could not have been better paired with our guide and driver - Yenten and MigMar. Yenten was excellent company throughout the trip and was able to explain complicated subjects clearly and easily to us.

Local specialist: Vishal Pradhan
Vishal Pradhan
Local specialist in Paro, Bhutan | Replied on May 24, 2018

Thank you, Simon, for the wonderful review. Will make sure to let the boys know about your feedback. They will be happy to find out.

Self-guided walking tour of Provence
France | May 5 - May 16, 2018

Lorraine L.
New Orleans, LA | Reviewed on May 18, 2018
Anthony and then Aurelia were very responsive and prompt. I was very happy that they always responded quickly and completely to my questions. I felt it was a very personal and professional interaction. So Thank you! Also, all of the arrangements for hotel check-in, restaurants, luggage transfer, and taxi transport were absolutely perfect. Everything went exactly to plan. Wherever we went we were immediately greeted as "WalkInn" and welcomed with smiles. It was wonderful to see... Read more

Anthony and then Aurelia were very responsive and prompt. I was very happy that they always responded quickly and completely to my questions. I felt it was a very personal and professional interaction. So Thank you!

Also, all of the arrangements for hotel check-in, restaurants, luggage transfer, and taxi transport were absolutely perfect. Everything went exactly to plan. Wherever we went we were immediately greeted as "WalkInn" and welcomed with smiles. It was wonderful to see everything so well arranged.

We are also very grateful for the very, very prompt assistance that was provided when we misplaced our walking road book early in the walk. We believe that it was left at the Glanum site where someone quickly picked it up. One note here--we do not understand why we were initially given only one road book for the two of us. If we had had a second book, there would have been no problem! When we received the replacement, we were then given two booklets. Also, since we were not given the road book until we were leaving Avignon, we did not have access to any of those recommendations.

Our walks were really spectacular--both in Les Alpilles and the Luberon. Directions were good except for two things:
(1) the directions for Walk 1—Eastern Valleys and crests—should advise walkers that they might visit the Glanum ruins after they visit the Saint Paul de Mausole. Currently the option only lists the monastery. The walk then takes you away from the ruins. We had to circle back to the ruins after the walk when it would have made much more sense to see them before the rest of the walk.
(2) The only time the directions totally failed us was Walk 3—to l’Abbaye de Sénanque. We learned that other walkers with the same directions had problems with this, having to backtrack several times. The problem occurs when there is a reference to: “only 50m farther you reach the 2nd yellow hiking post with the same name: Abbaye de Sénanque. Here turn left and up a stone road La Pouraque.” There should be a direction that says to ignore the 1st yellow hiking post to the left in the parking lot and continue walking past the Eglise Abbataiale, Communauté, Hotellerie. We (and others) were very confused by the 1st yellow hiking post—since it was not referenced at all. We ended up taking an alternate path and walking up the paved road to reconnect with the directions at THE PASS. But we lost a lot of time trying to figure this out. And we learned that other walkers (on Country Walkers self-guided) had very similar experiences. So the directions should be fixed.

My sister and I fell in love with all of the locations where we stayed. The hotel in Avignon was very well situated and beautiful. Our hosts in St. Remy--Pierre and Armell--were particularly helpful and supportive. Breakfast there was the best. The most beautiful lodging was Le Mas de la Beaume in Gordes--absolutely spectacular! Wendy is a very caring and attentive hostess and the bedroom and in-suite bath are perfect. The hotel in Lourmarin is amusing with its modern, purple room and pictures of bathing beauties. They had by far the best linens and towels and, again, helpful staff. The Saint Cristophe in Aix gave us a great location and comfort. We did not like the hotel in Marsaille but it was a great location with very nice staff. The New Hotel's ground floor exterior appears to be burned out or something. Breakfast was sufficient but perfunctory. The reception area is just functional. Our room had someone else's clothes hanging in the bathroom and there were trash items on the floor that never got cleaned out while we were there.

The included dinners were all very special. Number 9 in Lourmarin was also a lot of fun. Our hostess at the Outsider in Gordes went out of her way to make us feel welcome when we arrived completely soaked from walking in a surprise thunderstorm. The rosé she recommended was the best we had in the two weeks.

Gordes, Les Baux, Lacoste are all so lovely. In Lourmarin we walked back to our hotel at night under the most beautiful cobalt blue night sky. We really loved St. Remy, especially on market day.

Local specialist: Anthony Laplagne

Self-guided walking tour of Provence
France | May 5 - May 16, 2018

Denise P.
New Orleans, LA | Reviewed on May 18, 2018
My sister planned this trip through kimkim. We enjoyed a fabulous walking trip of Provence, taking in the great wildflowers, the landscapes, the dining and friendly Provencal people. Our hosts at the various hotels were superb. Heather at Hôtel Cloître St Louis in Avignon was very helpful with tips and reserved a table for us at L'Epicerie where the staff was excellent and the food top notch. The hotel is beautiful and amenities spot on. At Hôtel Sous les Figuiers in St Remy-de-Provence,... Read more

My sister planned this trip through kimkim. We enjoyed a fabulous walking trip of Provence, taking in the great wildflowers, the landscapes, the dining and friendly Provencal people. Our hosts at the various hotels were superb. Heather at Hôtel Cloître St Louis in Avignon was very helpful with tips and reserved a table for us at L'Epicerie where the staff was excellent and the food top notch. The hotel is beautiful and amenities spot on. At Hôtel Sous les Figuiers in St Remy-de-Provence, Pierre and Armelle went above and beyond to assist us. What a lovely setting to start our exploration of the area. Wendy at Le Mas de la Beaume was also very attentive and helpful. Hôtel Bastide de Lourmarin did not have an elevator which presented a bit of a problem with our heavy luggage but one of the staff (I did not get her name) jumped to our aid and brought luggage up and down for us. For our additional stays at Saint Christophe Hotel in Aix-en-Provence, we again found very helpful staff and comfortable room.
We were a bit disappointed with the New Hotel Vieux Port in Marseilles. The staff was helpful, the room was comfortable but it seems that management has allowed the property to deteriorate a bit into shabbiness. However, it was close to the spots we wanted to visit and we enjoyed our stay in this exciting city.
We did have an issue with the walking directions near the Sénanque Abbey. We had to improvise and we heard from other walkers with similar directions that the instructions are confusing. My sister will probably tell you more about this.
I also think that it would have helped if each walker was presented with the walking guide at the beginning of the tour or, even better, if the instructions had been sent to us prior to the trip.

Local specialist: Anthony Laplagne

Sight seeing in the old city
Colombia | May 10 - May 14, 2018

Jamal S.
LA | Reviewed on May 18, 2018

Pedro Salazar was an excellent tour guide to have. He was very knowledgeable about the city of Cartagena and helpful with lots of information.

Will Osolinsky was extremely helpful setting me up with information for my trip.

Local specialist: Will Osolinsky
Will Osolinsky
Local specialist in Medellín | Replied on Jun 14, 2018

Thank you! It was our pleasure to have you visit us in Colombia and look forward to the next time you're out this way. Take care, W

Visiting site of family origin in Bitola
North Macedonia | May 12 - May 15, 2018

Ian W.
Australia | Reviewed on May 17, 2018

Jane was prompt and very helpful in arranging our visit to Macedonia. lots of complications and requirements and a couple of changes to sort through but managed without any problems.
Our guide Nebo was fantastic! very accommodating to changes because I was sick and my partner had a sprained ankle but Nebo was great, very knowledgeable and completely flexible. we visited some amazing places, ate at some awesome restaurants and visited some great sights! he gets 5.5 stars!

Local specialist: Jane Josifovski
Jane Josifovski
Local specialist in Macedonia | Replied on Jun 01, 2018

We are delighted to have You as our first clients and arrange Your tour of Macedonia, and we look forward to welcome You again!

Alex Batchelor Party
Slovenia | May 11 - May 13, 2018

Owen B.
Alexandria, VA | Reviewed on May 17, 2018

Miha and his team were incredible and really made our trip. They had incredible ideas for activities (MTB tour of Ljubljana, SUP on Lake Bled, hiking in Triglav NP) and always executed perfectly. Our trip was 3-4x as good for thier involvement. I recommend them without hesitation.

Local specialist: Miha Gantar
Miha Gantar
Local specialist in Ljubljana | Replied on May 21, 2018

Hi Owen!
It was great having you here! Great group, fun trip and hopefully it was a good initiation to Alex' long-lasting happy marriage! :)
Thank you for coming and thank you for posting your kind feedback!
Best wishes to everyone!

Ghandruk Trek - Scenic 3-4 day trek through the Annapurna Foothills
Nepal | May 4 - May 7, 2018

Monique L.
Switzerland | Reviewed on May 16, 2018

Organizing and booking through Kimkim was easy and fast. I only contacted them online 5days before my travel and it was still possible to have an amazing 4day trip on the Gandruk trek! The journey was customized to my needs and I had a wonderful guide and porter. I just had to follow them and everything was taken care of. I had a lot of time to enjoy the mountains and the beautiful villages and did not have to worry about anything. Just perfect! The tea houses we stayed in were simple, but cosy and there was all I needed. Honestly a truly amazing experience and good value for money!

Local specialist: Prajwol Shrestha
Prajwol Shrestha
Local specialist in Kathmandu | Replied on May 17, 2018

Hi Monique,

It was a pleasure arranging the trek for you. Although the request was received in some last hour, everything was manageable and we are glad that you are very happy with the trip and our services. I hope we will get to meet again and plan another adventure for your next visit in Nepal soon.

Have a nice day.

Warm wishes from Nepal and NMMT.

Ausangate Trek
Peru | May 4 - May 7, 2018

Angela I.
Canada | Reviewed on May 16, 2018

We had an amazing trip to Peru thanks to Fiama and Andean Lodges! We did a 4-day trek through the Ausangate Region with guides Luis and Bruno who were very knowledgeable about the local area and culture and made sure we were well taken care of. The lodges were comfortable and clean and the staff were very accommodating. If you're looking for something off the beaten path, a trek in the Ausangate region with Andean Lodges is it! Thank you!

Local specialist: Fiama Alarcón
Fiama Alarcón
Local specialist in Cusco | Replied on Jul 09, 2018

Thank you for your comments. If you love the mountains and are looking for a place that can connect you with nature and local culture, Ausangate is the best alternative. And the comfort of our lodges is the perfect complement to this unforgettable experience. We are glad that you enjoyed your trip with us, hope to see you again soon.

Active & Cultural trip to Peru
Peru | Apr 29 - May 8, 2018

Angela I.
Canada | Reviewed on May 16, 2018

Quechua Treks did not disappoint! James, Mayra and Zac did an amazing job organizing our trip! This truly was a customized trip and they made it happen for us without any issues along the way. Accommodation, food, staff...all fantastic! Rolfi and Felix were our guides and both made our trip that much better! Everybody at Quechua Treks went above and beyond and made our trip that much more memorable. Thank you!

Local specialist: James M
James M
Local specialist in Cusco, Peru | Replied on May 16, 2018

Hi Angela, was a pleasure to have you both yourself & Alex with us, hope to see you again another year!
Please keep in touch, best regards, James

Many faces of Thailand
Thailand | May 5 - May 13, 2018

Rosanne K.
Somerville, MA | Reviewed on May 15, 2018
We were so pleased we chose to use your services. Andy, our local specialist, was very attentive right from the beginning of planning our trip. We were undecided about the various places to travel while in Thailand, but knew we were flying into and out of Bangkok and knew we, at a minimum, would want to spend a day or two to visit the Grand Palace and other temples. Both my daughter and I agreed that had we not had a guide to go through the Temples we would not have benefited as much... Read more

We were so pleased we chose to use your services. Andy, our local specialist, was very attentive right from the beginning of planning our trip. We were undecided about the various places to travel while in Thailand, but knew we were flying into and out of Bangkok and knew we, at a minimum, would want to spend a day or two to visit the Grand Palace and other temples. Both my daughter and I agreed that had we not had a guide to go through the Temples we would not have benefited as much visiting them. Andy employed Mr. Peak to be our guide. Mr. Peak was wonderful! He was not only such a pleasant person, but was knowledgeable about the Temples and River, but also was hospitable and offered so many times to take our pictures at the various places that I believe he knew would capture in a picture wonderful memories for us. We are home and still saying to each other how lucky we were to have a guide, and that our guide was Mr. Peak!

Our transports to/from hotel and airports were punctual and easy to find and the instructions Andy gave us to do so were spot on!

Thanks for your assistance in our journey to Thailand!

Local specialist: Andy Carroll

Essential Basque Country - 5-Day Itinerary
Spain | May 2 - May 2, 2018

Mary W.
Wayne, PA | Reviewed on May 14, 2018

Inaki was really wonderful. He was very good at giving us a full experience on all the many facets of the Basque country. He is very enthusiastic about his country and is extremely knowledgeable. I had a great time and he was very, very good. Was attentive to our needs and gave up choices. The Cooking Lesson and the Pintos tour was a lot of fun. He also did a video of our trip for us. What a nice touch!

Local specialist: Iñaki Rubio
Iñaki Rubio
Local specialist in San Sebastian, Spain | Replied on Jun 29, 2018

Thank you Mary for your words. It was great to meet you here in the Basque Country. I enjoyed it too.

All the best.


Trip to Jordan
Jordan | May 5 - May 10, 2018

Lakshmi J.
France | Reviewed on May 14, 2018
We are back home after a great trip to Jordan, all thanks to Carmen. Carmen was always kind and quick in responding to our endless questions. She suggested an alternative itinerary to save some transfer time and it worked well for us. She was very accommodating to all our requests and changed the hotels to meet our requirements and budget. Our driver Audi was very cheerful, helpful and a kind person and we had a wonderful time with him. The whole itinerary was well planned, all the pickups... Read more

We are back home after a great trip to Jordan, all thanks to Carmen. Carmen was always kind and quick in responding to our endless questions. She suggested an alternative itinerary to save some transfer time and it worked well for us. She was very accommodating to all our requests and changed the hotels to meet our requirements and budget. Our driver Audi was very cheerful, helpful and a kind person and we had a wonderful time with him. The whole itinerary was well planned, all the pickups and drops were on time and everything was perfect. We loved Jordan, the people and their hospitality. Altogether we had an amazing trip. We highly recommend Kimkim, Carmen and Audi. Thank you so much :)

Local specialist: Carmen Scholten
Carmen Scholten
Local specialist in Jordan | Replied on May 15, 2018

Dear Lakshmi,

Thank you so much for your kind review! It was a blast having you ladies here in the country and I'll pass on your review to your driver.

Thank you for traveling with In2Jordan!


Bhutan | May 2 - May 12, 2018

Jacqui W.
Australia | Reviewed on May 14, 2018
OK. Firstly Bhutan. ..... What an Amazing country.
Our trip was very well designed by Vishal. I gave him information on What exactly I wanted to do & he designed a wonderful 10 day journey which included more than I expected......
Our Guide & Driver (Younten & Migma) were the most beautiful souls one could ever want to share time with....
Our guide was well extremely well informed about the Bhutanese Buddhist Culture & also a very experienced Mountain Guide.... They both gave us a humbled ,...
Read more

OK. Firstly Bhutan. ..... What an Amazing country.
Our trip was very well designed by Vishal. I gave him information on What exactly I wanted to do & he designed a wonderful 10 day journey which included more than I expected......
Our Guide & Driver (Younten & Migma) were the most beautiful souls one could ever want to share time with....
Our guide was well extremely well informed about the Bhutanese Buddhist Culture & also a very experienced Mountain Guide.... They both gave us a humbled , interesting & heart warming experience of Bhutan.
Every day we were exposed to new, unexpected & intersting experiences. The programme was well designed , with unexpected extra experiences added.
Our Tour designers (Vishal & Sonam) gave us first class attention, from meeting us at the airport on arrival to inviting us to dinner with them .
They were friendly & helpful making sure that our Bhutan Experience was the best it could possibly be.

Local specialist: Vishal Pradhan
Vishal Pradhan
Local specialist in Paro, Bhutan | Replied on May 15, 2018

Dear Jacqui,

Many thanks for sharing your trip report on your Bhutan adventure.

Vishal and I had a great time hosting and interacting with you and Simon. And it is such a nice feeling to hear that arrangements had been well executed, especially after working on it for soooooo long. I will be pleased to pass on your compliments to the boys. As we always say kindness beckons kindness and I believe this has made all the difference in your trip.

Till we meet again, Take care & stay healthy. Sonam.

Slovenia | May 3 - May 10, 2018

Bryan P.
Australia | Reviewed on May 14, 2018
The organisation and guidance was excellent. The accommodation was good. Our trip was well planned and with lots to see and do. The food walk in Ljubljana is a must do. The walks and scenery were outstanding. The route enabled us to see a lot of this beautiful country. There were some interesting and different things for us to do. In particular a guided tour of a WWI battlefield in the Sochi Valley and a visit with a beekeeper in Bled. Our tour organisers Domen and Miha provided excellent... Read more

The organisation and guidance was excellent. The accommodation was good. Our trip was well planned and with lots to see and do. The food walk in Ljubljana is a must do. The walks and scenery were outstanding. The route enabled us to see a lot of this beautiful country. There were some interesting and different things for us to do. In particular a guided tour of a WWI battlefield in the Sochi Valley and a visit with a beekeeper in Bled. Our tour organisers Domen and Miha provided excellent maps, notes and personal guidance. I highly recommend them and their firm Slotrips. I also found Kimkim to be a very good way find and to communicate with travel organisers.

Local specialist: Miha Gantar
Miha Gantar
Local specialist in Ljubljana | Replied on May 14, 2018

Dear Bryan!
It is great to hear you enjoyed your stay in Slovenia! Thank you very much for being our guest and for taking the time to write this review! Wish you happy travels in the future!
Warm wishes,
Domen & Miha

Experience sights and culture
India | Apr 4 - Apr 25, 2018

julie w.
Australia | Reviewed on May 14, 2018
Bhupendra organised a wonderful and very memorable trip. I would recommend Kimkim to anyone organising a trip. India is a thriving, colourful, interesting place to visit. The people are friendly and helpful. There were 4 of us travelling and we had our own drivers for the whole trip. They were local to the area we travelled in and had a good knowledge of the towns we went to. They were able to make recommendations about what each town was best known for, that is jewellery, textiles etc. They... Read more

Bhupendra organised a wonderful and very memorable trip. I would recommend Kimkim to anyone organising a trip. India is a thriving, colourful, interesting place to visit. The people are friendly and helpful. There were 4 of us travelling and we had our own drivers for the whole trip. They were local to the area we travelled in and had a good knowledge of the towns we went to. They were able to make recommendations about what each town was best known for, that is jewellery, textiles etc. They also made sure we had bottled water every day. They were great. Our guides were local to each town we visited so had a very good knowledge of the history, the culture, local markets and bazaars and could recommend restaurants if we wanted to go to one. Would recommend going to Kerala. We stayed at the Fragrant Nature Hotel in Munnar, stunning views, great service, very well appointed rooms. We went to the spice and tea plantations in Munnar and had a wonderful hot oil massage there. Would also recommend the Houseboats in Allepey and the walk around the Jewish quarter. Would also recommend the Kathakali traditional Indian dance.
In Jaipur we went to the Harsoli Haveli Heritage Hotel run by a local family and did a cooking class. Thoroughly enjoyed. Would also recommend the hot air balloon ride, Fort Amer, The Solar Observatory. Other places we visited and would recommend are Pushkar, Jodhpur, Udiapur- The Taj Lake Palace: not cheap but worth staying there, Ranthambhore- went to the National park to see tigers, leopards and other wildlife, Agra-Taj Mahal and Varanasi- the spiritual place of Hinduism. All worth visiting. Enjoyed the trip so much talking about going back to visit other areas of India.

Local specialist: Bhupendra Singh
Bhupendra Singh
Local specialist in Delhi, India | Replied on May 24, 2018

Hello Julie,

Thank you very much for sharing the feedback and it was a great moment meeting you in Delhi and exchanging the views about the trip.

Hope to see you again in India!

Balthali Village Trek via Namo Buddha and Panauti
Nepal | Apr 30 - May 5, 2018

Vidushi G.
United Kingdom | Reviewed on May 13, 2018
our guides - Dawar & Naresh - were so kind and helpful. We loved that they joined us in the evenings before/after dinner, it felt really personal the whole time, they were our local friends telling us so much about the culture, region and country. They did a fantastic job and are a credit to the team. Most memorable place was Namobhuddha - the tranquility of the resort made us book an extra spontaneous night, it was a beautiful place! The monastery had us mesmerised and we've since learnt... Read more

our guides - Dawar & Naresh - were so kind and helpful. We loved that they joined us in the evenings before/after dinner, it felt really personal the whole time, they were our local friends telling us so much about the culture, region and country. They did a fantastic job and are a credit to the team.

Most memorable place was Namobhuddha - the tranquility of the resort made us book an extra spontaneous night, it was a beautiful place! The monastery had us mesmerised and we've since learnt a lot more about Bhuddism. The only tip I have for future treks is to have one rest day in Namobhuddha so you can fully enjoy the resort as well.

Bhaktapur took us by surprise entirely - we weren't expecting such an ancient, artistic town on the outskirts of Khatmandu! Pratiksha is a very warm, smiley, amicable person with huge amounts of knowledge on the place. We really respect her passion and devotion to her country and religion and thoroughly enjoyed our city tours with her.

Local specialist: Kripa Sunuwar

Three Passes Trek - The Ultimate 19-Day Trek in the Everest Region of Nepal
Nepal | Apr 11 - May 2, 2018

Paul W.
the Netherlands | Reviewed on May 13, 2018
After a week back in the Netherlands I look back after a huge experience in the Himalayas.
Supported by a special team with Raj and Anura, who provided me with information from the booking of the trip, I was received in Kathamandu with a greeting dinner and an afternoon where I got all the explanation and what my responsibilities are during the 19-day trek . Especially because I am no longer one of the youngest (69 years), Raj has gone into great depths about pulling at high altitudes. The...
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After a week back in the Netherlands I look back after a huge experience in the Himalayas.
Supported by a special team with Raj and Anura, who provided me with information from the booking of the trip, I was received in Kathamandu with a greeting dinner and an afternoon where I got all the explanation and what my responsibilities are during the 19-day trek . Especially because I am no longer one of the youngest (69 years), Raj has gone into great depths about pulling at high altitudes. The meeting with Indra my guide was very cordial and familiar. This all supported fine for the coming trek. Planned was a 19 days trek over the 3 passes, but after the stage from Namche to Thame I got a headache, necessarily a day waited but from Thame to Lumden happened exactly the same. Switched to drink a lot of water and use Diamox and of course I had to wait another day, I was rid of the headache and I could bridge the first pass Renjo La. Great view my first goal was achieved, but I also realized that I was against my physical limit and in consultation with my guide we changed the program and left Everest BC behind and opted for Ama Dablam base camp and Dingboche attempt to see the Makalu. Unfortunately, it got worse in the last week and was hardly visible.
My advice if you like my age and you want something seen from the Himalaya Asia choose Raj and Anura, everything is negotiable and the team is very correct and when you have Indra as guide your are a happy man.

Local specialist: Raj Gyawali
Raj Gyawali
Local specialist in Kathmandu | Replied on Jun 08, 2018

Paul, it was a real pleasure to design and conduct this trip for you, and me and Anura and the rest of the team took great joy in seeing your enthusiasm, and your easy going nature.

I am sorry that altitude made it a bit more complicated up in the mountains, but glad that you adjusted to it, and re-designed the itinerary up in the field and fit it to your requirements.

Flexibility is the essence of travel, in our opinion, and that makes great experiences and I am glad it did for you!

Thanks and hopefully we will see you again in the Nepal mountains!

Essential Basque Country - 5-Day Itinerary
Spain | May 2 - May 2, 2018

Judy M.
Conshohocken, PA | Reviewed on May 12, 2018

Inaki was fantastic. He has very attuned to our needs. We were four woman and he kept us all happy. He had made special every where, so no matter where we went to sight se, cook or eat he knew someone and we were given the royal treatment.

We would all use him and again and have already written to our friends who will be coming his area.

Local specialist: Iñaki Rubio
Iñaki Rubio
Local specialist in San Sebastian, Spain | Replied on Jun 29, 2018

Dear Judy,

Thank you for your words. It was a pleasure to have you here. I enjoyed spending those days with you. Happy to hear you passed a great time. I hope we meet again one day. Best regards. Inaki

Upper Mustang and ABC
Nepal | Mar 30 - May 1, 2018

Dennis A.
New Zealand | Reviewed on May 12, 2018

Both the Upper Mustang Valley trek and the Annapurna Base Camp trek were fantastic and both so very different. Our guide, Pemba, was awesome and really went out of his way to make things as easy as possible for us. Would definitely recommend him, and our porter, Amar, was also great. We met some fantastic people, both local and trekkers on these trips and had lots of laughs with them. Every day was different and every day was memorable. It is very hard to pin point any particular day, but we'll never forget the view when we got to Annapurna Base Camp.

Local specialist: Amanda Delecca
Amanda Delecca
Local specialist in Kathmandu and USA | Replied on Jun 29, 2018

Thanks for the review Dennis, it was such a pleasure to meet you both in Kathmandu and show you around Thamel a little. You chose a couple of great treks that showcase some of the incredible diversity in Nepal, you must be due for a 'lowlands' tour next time for yet another perspective on Nepal :)

Until next time,